Around The World: Challenge - #4/4 - My Summer Memories

During the weekend we decided to go on the beach to catch some fresh and and recharge our body. The weather is perfect, just the right number of clouds were in the sky to control the summer heat.

We always go to La Union for beach visits because it's just a 30-40 minutes drive from our home. And here many private beaches are now opening so we have more resorts to chose from. We always got to this place called beach camp, it's a clean beach and not many people come here, do you get to enjoy the place quietly.


And what I love about this place is the beach water is very friendly because it' water are not deep. For me as an adult when I stand it's just above my knees even if I go further from the coast.

This is my contest photo

This is also a good place for my son to be exposed in nature, we will surely visit more places, and this place is a good place to start, we will surely comeback here. Hopefully in our next visit, the swimming pool is done.

Photo was taken at Caba, La Union, Philippines
Photo taken using Vivo V17

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