Business Redefined - Can You Really Turn Your Business Expenses Into Lifelong Passive Income?

Well, that depends on whom you are doing business with. Who your suppliers are and what their business philosophy is. Because as they are the ones who reap a profit as suppliers, to you it is primarily a cost at least initially.

If your suppliers' business philosophy is more than just completing a business deal with you and making a profit, they can use a portion of the profit from the deal they made with you, reinvest it and share the income from it with you to help turn your business expense into an income. By doing so they are not giving away a portion of their profit, but deferring it.

We in Success For All community, always try to create Win-Win-Win JV deals and turn your business expenses into a passive income. Here is a use case: @successforall/redefining-business-paradigm-shifting-with-hive-blockchain-turning-your-business-expenses-into-lifelong-passive-income

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