Doodling Process: The Doodler Reflects


Hello and welcome to my official #introduceyourself post.

I would have posted this sooner but I got distracted with doodling.

I'm all caught up on my doodles for the time being, so here's a little bit about me:

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My name is The Doodler.
I learned to draw as a kid in art class, and it sort of became an off-and-on hobby. In college I doodled to keep myself awake in physics classes. Maybe sometime I'll post some doodles from my school notes if I ever decide to dig through my files.
I like drawing weird things, wacky situations, or odd concepts that pop into my brain. Reading my dad's Far Side collection as a kid probably shaped my brain and imagination plenty. I get inspired by things I see around me, or let my mind wander until it lands on an idea that seems interesting and simple enough to draw. What I like about the doodle format is I can explore an idea without investing so much time that I lose interest.
Dinosaur and penguin: In this example, I felt like drawing a dinosaur, then wondered what would make this dinosaur unique or interesting. Maybe something on his back. A hat? A penguin, perhaps. And that's it.
Oh and also: My tools of choice are a mechanical pencil and index cards. I like to keep things nice and simple.
Peace Dood!

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