Washington Post: "If Russia Invades Ukraine, Putins military victory will be quick" imagine putin reading that shit lol basically a surrender flag

lol wow pathetic.

I told you all ukraine is gone and NO ONE will defend it

they are not going to go after any actual NATO nations

The Golden Hoard Approaches




We all have been studying teh advancement of russian upgrades and weapons. They are going to show off the new ARMATA maybe? and new stealth fighters and pronounce a military supremacy that will allow Putin to flex to the world finally

we will be kicked out of that hemisphere as we should be and the world can have peace




us congress has the red bitcoin eyes too lol it is a sign of when someone owns one whole BTC ... soon all of us on hive will be in that fucking club lol

theres only a few hundred thousand hive users and 21 M btc and block one has like 1 million
we will also have the ability to use hive engien and grab grab grab so much btc we will distribute it via high hive price to all of us

so if youre liek me in the top 2000 or so youll have multiple btc haha

remember theres only what a million accounts? few hundred thousand active users? We will all own 1 BTC lol


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