STREAMLABS COIN? 3speak Vimm twitch could sell ads for half the time of a 24 hr stream 12 hr days - 60 minutes per hour, thats 720 x 1 minute Time slots available a day for Donos! Each one is $3 to $5 each. at $10 with enough viewers one day $7,200/day

$1.3 M per year at $5 donation prices for tts/ media donations on a 24 hr content station that shows half maybe content from top hive sites and stuff maybe a TV guide channel for @vimm or whatever content for whatever hive community that makes it ... and half ads .. so 12 hours a day ads .. pre sold as hive engine tokens ... and or nfts ...


these tokens sold to everyone from users wishing toi advertise posts to game devs to startups to companies to nft artists so that we have this pay per view , i mean paid advertising ran channel just to see what happens.... a free market 24 7 tv stream ...

so @vimm should make their own generic weather channel cspan , tv surfing experience make it feel like some comcast style tv remote box setup interface with the Guide button lol and the tv guide stuff lol like web tv where you can help upload a video clip or audio clip and its just free range tv with user created content all donos... MAYBE hire a few live censors with some of the money to take shifts to make sure they stop and block any accounts on hive who donate super offensive stuff like ive heard in some youtube streams from just bad eggs trolls.. but we can have that stuff blocked and pay people good money to help guard the chat from that, but just also requiring a good amount of hivepower to have priavalage of AUTOMATICALY having your content approved on the programming Lineup timeslots

id love to see the 1.3 million go somewhat towards the tv shows we could then make , i wanna see some comedy shows like the 90s and adult swim style stuff .. i believe in myself to create a new decentralized adult swim with the best video art and content playing etc

ya know we could have a live show from slab city with ads supporting it pre screened so they can come in purchased with nfts and crypto, when we sell out of tokens we just get more

the ip2 slab city irl desert theatre , well have a huge theatre area with massive projector and build a REALLy nice portable dj booth area to bring in for events so we can really feel like ... the adult swim live from the necropolis event... i want some pageant of the masters level stuff

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