Critical competent perfectionist superiority and control behaviors

I will try to explain the behaviors and attitudes that occur in certain business organizations, we will mention the aggressive-defensive culture and its tactics to influence workers and induce in them critical, competent, perfectionist, superiority and control behaviors.

Source ( medicalnewstoday )

This type of aggressive-defensive organizational culture is, to some extent, based on the following scheme of beliefs and norms:

- Opposition: These are organizations in which confrontation and negativism are rewarded. Members gain status and influence by criticizing.

- Power: These are non-participatory organizations structured on the basis of the authority inherent in their members' positions. They believe that they are rewarded for taking charge, controlling subordinates and responding to the demands of their superiors.

- Competition: Success is valued and members are rewarded for outperforming others. Operate in a "win-lose" frame of reference and believe they must work against their peers to excel.

- Perfectionism: These are organizations in which perfectionism, persistence and intense work are valued. Members feel they must avoid mistakes, have everything under control and work long hours to achieve precisely defined objectives.

Conflict is frequent in the aggressive-defensive type of organizational culture (Pixabay)

The conventional strategic approach that prevails in companies that practice an aggressive-defensive organizational culture is centered on expecting their employees to approach their work activities in an aggressive and competitive manner in order to protect their status and position within the business organization.

Key words: organizational, cultural, aggressive-defensive.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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