Combined dimensions to create organizations with significantly different cultures

The categorization of organizational values responds to two dimensions and how these can be combined to create organizations with significantly different cultures, these are:

- Dynamics, dynamic or strong cultural values, those that are deeply rooted and widespread, exert a greater influence on employees than weak cultures. The more employees accept the core values of the organization and the more they are committed to them, the stronger the culture.

- Passives, are those that respond to weak cultures, some organizations do not make it clear what is important and what is not, and this lack of clarity is characteristic of weak cultures. There, culture is not likely to exert much influence on managers.

The dynamic dimension positions organizations ( Aihr )

These two dimensions of culture will be influenced by aspects such as the size of the company, some elements of the human talent management process, such as seniority, staff turnover, organizational stability, among others.

In business organizations where a dynamic or strong organizational culture is exercised, elements such as socialization and recruitment are taken advantage of, because through these activities, employees are more powerfully affected in order to achieve greater performance and dedication, because having clear and identified values, everyone knows what to do and timely decision making in situations, this in turn causes performance to increase, contrary to what happens in the passive dimension.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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