Knowing the Exodus church/Conociendo la iglesia Exodo [ENG/ESP]


Hello friends of Hive, I hope you are well, I am here to share a little of what my trip was like knowing the Exodus Christian Church.

Hola amigos de Hive, espero que estén bien, les vengo a compartir un poco de lo que fue mi viaje conociendo la Iglesia Cristiana Exodo.



This church belongs to the paternal grandparents of my girlfriend @josnerys03, the church was founded on March 4, 2018 and its name comes from the verse: Leviticus: 6:13, which says: ¨The fire will burn continuously on the altar; it will not turn off.

Esta iglesia pertenece a los abuelos paternos de mi novia @josnerys03 ,la iglesia fue fundada el 4 marzo del 2018 y su nombre proviene del versículo: Levítico: 6:13, que dice: ¨El fuego ardera continuamente en el altar; no se apagara¨.



This trip was approximately 30 minutes in a private vehicle, I saw this trip as a bit long since it was the first time that I would go to that place since this church is located in the rural part of a town called Caucagua.

Este viaje fue de aproximadamente 30 min en un vehículo particular, este viaje lo vi un poco largo ya que era primera vez que iría a dicho lugar ya que esta iglesia esta ubicada en la parte rural de un pueblo llamado Caucagua.







After having arrived at the church, the pastors who are my girlfriend's grandparents received me with a warm welcome, the church was happy as it was celebrating the pastor's birthday and the church had a happy and pleasant environment.

Después de haber llegado a la iglesia los pastores que son los abuelos de mi novia me recibieron con una acogedora bienvenida, la iglesia esta alegre ya que estaba celebrando el cumpleaños del pastor y la iglesia tenia un entorno alegre y agradable.


What most caught my attention in its structure is that on the walls there are various psalms written throughout the temple.

Lo que mas me llamo la atención en su estructura es que en las paredes hay diversos salmos escritos por todo el templo.


I really enjoyed being there, but what I liked the most about being in that place is that I didn't feel like a church but like a house with a very large family, and when I felt this it brought me a lot of tranquility and peace to be in that place. .

Disfrute mucho estar ahí, pero lo que mas me gusto de estar en ese lugar es que no lo sentí como una iglesia si no como una casa con una familia muy grande, y al sentir esto me traía mucha tranquilidad y paz al estar en ese sitio.


Finally, it was time to leave, a moment that I did not think would come so soon being so comfortable in that place, I hope to go again to be able to continue telling more about that incredible Exodus Christian church.

Finalmente llegaba el momentos de irnos, momento que no creí que llegaría tan pronto al estar tan a gusto en ese lugar, espero volver a ir para poder seguir contando mas sobre esa increíble iglesia cristiana Exodo.


Thank you very much for your time, I hope you like it.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo, espero que les guste.


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