Retro Rhythms|| Miss Independent.

It started with one song and soon enough, just like falling dominos, I was on "an old songs listening marathon". It's really amusing how time flies. I remember when songs produced locally were soothing to listen to and also had a direct message for the public. Not songs that leave you question what the future was going to look like.


I recently went through a stack of old CD's from an abandoned CD rack and this was when it all began. One good thing about technology is that it at least saves old memories, you just have to look in the right direction.

Immediately, I went on YouTube to have some form of reconnection with songs from the past and the feeling I got from this action is really mixed. The joy of reconnecting, the happiness of listening to good music and the sadness that such amazing songs have been buried in the past and can only be seen by people who seek it in one way or another.

"Miss Independent" by Ne-Yo, an American songwriter and actor, who is one of the leading figures in 2000's R&B is the song that started the listening spree. I couldn't help but gawk at every scene from the music video and the same went for every other song I saw that day. The best part of it was the touch of hilariousness. This made the message being delivered very outstanding but also flexible.

Miss Independent is a song about independent ladies and how attractive Ne-Yo–and maybe the world at large–finds them. Many people like them for their charisma, some for their resilience and achievement while others like them because they can't exactly hate them. I recently saw a series–Suits–and one of the leading characters is an independent lady in a position of power. It's a really beautiful and admirable sight to behold.

Ne-Yo goes on to say that these ladies actually know what they want and most times they fight for it. They aren't about 'beating around the bush' or 'tasting the waters' which makes them risk takers.

Taking risks is something many people are afraid to do these days. The thoughts of failure clouds their minds and their judgement and soon enough they give up and move on. I recently told a friend that there are majorly two sets of people; the risk takers who make spontaneous but thoughtful decisions and the very careful people who think every step through. The problem with being in the latter is that thinking steps through could take days or years. Procrastination can set in and along the line, one could change their mind. However, it's their decision and so it's their call.

Ne-Yo ended this direct message saying that this is the type of lady he would pick over the rest which is a good thing to an extent. Why? Because inasmuch miss independent can be adorable and easy to bond with, she can be really ambitious and possibly a pain in the arse. Again, that would be a personal decision between the two parties.

The feeling of nostalgia hit me so many times during this mini music spree and I must say that it was really beautiful reminiscing on the past; the recent past. I would gladly do it again but in the meantime, let me leave you with the harmonious and riveting piece of music.



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