Midnight Gems - Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 24 "Me and My Sirens"

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For those of you that are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some amazing songs & covers.

Last week I did a bit of Sunday Schooling making you listen to all those wonderful figures from the Good Book. It was probably one of my favorite shows, the topic itself was already awesome but I also discovered a couple of new gems while writing.

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One of those gems was Die Like Gentleman singing about that Head of John the Baptist.

Are these guys a one-hit wonder or is there more to be discovered?

They only have 30 or 50 followers depending on which YouTube channel you look at. So big chance that the rest could be shitty, right?

And in all honesty, it is!

I checked all albums all songs and they all are mediocre. The only album that rose above was Stories. The one last week's song came from.

And even that Album was not as good as John The Baptist song, except for one that actually came closer.

Die Like Gentleman - Come Closer

But the real discovery was a Saint, nu pun intended, I actually found a Saint while looking for Biblical figures.

Saint Avangeline doing a song about my lovely Lilith. And when I checked her out I found a song I overlooked for a long time.

Lana Del Rey - Brooklyn Baby

This is how our Evangelista did that song, not bad but her original work was even better....if you would ask me.

Saint Avangeline - Faustian Bargain

This song comes from her album Gardener of Eden, just that title explains why she was the Gem in my Bible Show. Damn she is just like Lilith, a little seductress sucking me in and I give in to this incubus. She can have it all, my little Siren just sounds heavenly.

Song Of The Sirens

Sounds like those Sirens are calling us, this trip is not getting us into space I guess, we go the other way for a change.

This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren

These Sirens are like a taste of my own poison, they just drown me in sweet-voiced melodies and I don´t wanna come up. I want to keep drowning, diving deeper to be closer to those voices.

Bambi Baker- The Taste of My Own Poison

But the deeper I go the more I risk Decompression sickness if I ever fill my lungs with oxygen because I just might not want to do that.

Molybden - The Seven Tents of Medicine

How come songs like these are hidden away somewhere deep within the endless web? It just takes my breath away and I already lacked air.

No Air - Jennel Garcia & Boyce Avenue piano acoustic cover

If I wanna breathe again I need to leave again. My brain is wanking out on me, my longs are burning up. ready to implode if I do not suck her in. Fully dependent on that demonic mistress called oxygen.

Fleurie - Breathe (Legends of Runeterra Version)

Torn between my physical needs and my mental state. I wanna live here forever. I don´t want to go back to my OuterLife, a life with responsibilities, a job, a body that hurts, and the knowledge that I might never see my Sirens Again.

Eternal Eclipse - Outerlife

I made up my mind, and it´s probably cerebral hypoxia but I´m not coming back. Here deep under the water with the sounds of sirens, I feel peace. A feeling I thought I would never know.

So sorry, but I can´t resist. The peace on the bottom of the ocean beats the war that rules the world of the land workers.

Kensington - Sorry (Armin van Buuren Remix)

Youtube Playlist

All these gems were added to this week´s YouTube playlist.

All Midnight Gems Playlist can be found here

Spotify Playlist:

The Spotify playlist might not capture the whole show but is meant to represent it as well as Spotify makes it possible:

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Riddle Me This

Guess What, My Riddle did not get solved. So you will get one more hint; Dragon Balls

What the fluff is midnight gems?

Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed or might have been forgotten.

Who the fluff am I?

Being a former DJ playing about everything and having an uncompleted study of radio journalism. I have been wanting to do this for years...Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

Hope you enjoyed this well-known wave of fantastic music and that you still feel like joining me on the next Midnight Gems Session coming soon.

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@beeber @mypathtofire

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