Solve The Riddle & Win a $1 Up-vote [#TTT Week 34] - "Crouching Tiger, Stealing Dragon"

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The Tune Tune Train keeps rolling:

The Tune Tune Train is a challenge I came up with based on the Three Tunes Tuesday format. It´s a TTT with a riddle!

How doe it work?

I will give you three great songs and you can win a $1 Ecency boost if you tell me what connects the songs.
A connection can be: they are all about flowers, they have the same drummer, they all sing about Pink Mushrooms, or they are all kids from famous parents. Just to give an idea of what a connection might be.

It´s up to you Dear Reader to figure out what connects the Tune Tune Train. The first one that drops the solution in the comments gets a $1 boost on their next post!
Or you can just wait till I solve the riddle in next week's post.

And these were last week's songs:

Breathing (2018 Remaster)
Pink - Family Portrait
Torres - The Exchange

Last Week's Clue Was:

  • Something with a tree.....

We Have A Winner

It was @amiegeoffrey that figured out first that it was a family Tree and all songs were about family. Making the title Family Affaire.

And for those who can´t link it to the first song, it´s sung from the perspective of a baby in the that was just to make it easy of course.

Well Done, nice to see you join in the fun,

So let´s do it again!

Here we go again!

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All Aboard!

The Tune Tune Train is Taking Off!
Are You Ready To Riddle?

This week it´s gonna be harder I think although maybe you have been exposed to this one.

Every time I hear these guys I think, damn should listen to them more often...and then I don´t,

Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low

With this banned it´s the other way around, I listened to them so much that I sometimes just had enough, although this song never get boring.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Warped

Now I saved the best for last, nah just kidding I said that last week. This week I saved the weirdest for last....but weird is good. Or at least it can be good, good weird.

Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Bad Dog No Biscuits

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Here, Have A Clue


Yup you saw the clue and missed it didn´t you?

If you still have no clue, and nobody else does there will be another hint this Friday.

Let me know in the comments if you figure out what connects these three songs. If you need another hint, check out my Midnight Gems Session this Friday!

Because the First to get it right, gets a nice $1 Ecency Boost!

The connection and winner will be featured in next week's #TTT

Previous Tune Tune Train Rides:

Source Pic MyI & AI

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