Did Nobody Tell You That Life Sucks & Then You Die?


Alright let´s turn off the lights, and allow the darkness to enter. I tried to write a positive inspirational story last time. Something light and uplifting and I gloriously failed.

I guess my niche is the darker side of the spectrum, and if you do something well keep doing it, nobody ever told me.
Because nobody ever told me anything, I never even met nobody....maybe nobody is dead?
According to the next song he is, in the next song nobody dies.

Car Seat Headrest - Nobody Dies

And tonight they'll find our beds empty.

Neighbor's graveyards whistle down 10th Street.

We'll shove sleep to the other side of our lives.

When we're mourning our old age.

Or as good old Jon said "I´ll sleep when I am dead.

Now that all sounds jolly good, but kids today might not make it that late in life.

Kids today get smothered with the big Fake it Till You Make it. The million-dollar Tik Tok lifestyle is their reality.

Nobody dies, so nobody is dead

Nobody is dead, so nobody is posting about the not-so-instagrammable places and phases of life.

They are bombarded with the wannabe and wannahave images day-in and day-out. Their truth is seeing these fictional characters seem to have it all. There is a whole generation growing up with the idea that being pretty and wealthy is the new normal.

A whole generation that will not be able to achieve what they think is the new normal. A generation that will turn to violence to obtain what they were made to believe they are entitled to.

I was planning to underline that with Sex and Violence by The Exploited. But honestly, the song is perfect punk that it sucks something that starts with a C in hell.

Let´s take a more appropriate song to illustrate what kids of today around the world perceive as their reality....... I guess this is punk in 2022.

Drill Rap Around The World

Of course, kids turn against the establishment, that´s what rock and roll is all about. That is why all punks were flirting with Anarchism, why all the hippies had long hair, and why you would become a greaser.

Nowadays it seems that anti-establishment ideology has been wiped out. And it´s not just near you it's a worldwide mentality as you can see.

Punks fought with the police, Greasers with their parents, and hippies......
Well, they did not fight at all (which they thought was the coolest thing to do).

From my perspective, that whole Tupac and Biggie thingy we had in the ´90s has escalated from an east coast vs. west coast battle into a left vs. right side of the street fight.

All little boys wanna be gangstas and call their little girls bitches.


Because they want status, they are nobodies and nobody is dead. They are like everybody and feel even less because they have no job, no money, no education, no girl, and therefore little to no self-esteem.

K.Flay - Self Esteem

And that scares me.

Sorry just joking it doesn´t scare me, not really.

It´s just a logical reaction to what they are brought up on. They are influenced by that millennial attitude that we are all princes and princesses, and can become whatever we wanna be.

You definitely still can, only mommy and daddy were so busy providing they forgot to mention that it only happens to some of us. They did teach that wise lesson that we should understand that most of us are no more than ants, and will never become more than that.

That most of us work our behinds off every day for 70 years and still, we do not move up. That it´s normal that most of us remain at the bottom of the freaking food chain.

But the only thing these bottom feeders see all day is the top of that darn food chain.

Potty Mouth - Bottom Feeder

The information society is pumping out the perfect picture, so people can lavish and dream.

Where not so long ago family, friends and everyday life showed all of us that life basically sucks and then you die. Now life shows you Instagram and nobody is no longer able to tell you that it´s crap.

Kids today get exposed to so much trash, that the limited emotional capacity of their minds can get disrupted easily.

Kids will be snapping, and where snapping used to include a fist or two...it now includes bringing a knife to a fist fight...... getting stitches and returning to the scene of the crime to turn an old-school fist fight into a bloody gun fight.

Why´s that?

Because nobody told them to roll with the punches, too chose their battles. Most of them are scared little puppies not seeing any other way than violence to overcome their insecurity and become the top dog.

Because billionaire top dogs are everywhere in the Lala land they are indoctrinated by.

And their parents?

I am sure most of them tried their best, mine did and I know I did. But at the same time many were too busy gathering little bits of luxury. Because to them, it was more important to provide their kids with the latest Nike´s than with the proper understanding of what life is truly about.
It was more important to tell the teacher that their angel could not be held responsible for its actions. That the school was failing, that it was everyone's but their or their kids' fault.

Still, where would we be without our parents?

Anna Clendening - To My Parents

So what is life truly about?

U can tell you that only The Fools know. That The Fools were right, and that even in the tarot the fool is wiser than you think.

The Fools - Life Sucks, Then You Die

Hope you brought a pinch of salt while reading this. Have a lovely day, remember that hitting the like button is one of the few free things in this life that sucks.


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