The Melodies of Nature: How Birdsong Reveals the Power of Music.

It surprises me sometimes to see how much music is very valuable and works so well. I have been hearing about some kinds of birds that sing and some birds that are controlled by singing, but I was not accepting this fact that it is real until I saw it in a movie, and I was able to listen to their loud rhythm, which they create like the Fairy wren Eastern bird, Whip bird and so on. Not that these birds sing the kind of song we all know of, but they are known to create lovely sounds that interest you when you listen to them.

Aside from seeing it in a movie, I could remember waking up in the morning before dawn and coming outside my room. I saw these birds outside the fence creating some sweet sounds, and I stood for some minutes staring at them and seeing what would happen as they continued to make the sweet sounds. What I was able to deduce from what they were doing was that they were either using that sound to call their other ones, or probably to attract mates.


Why I am surprised about this is that it is music or a sweet melodic rhythm they use, not just a random sound like the other animals do. But the answer I got was that music is unique, and music itself has a way of penetrating the lives of anyone who hears it. Just as these birds have the power and ability to make these great sounds, so do we humans. We also have the ability to do that also.

Music has a way of affecting animals, just like it affects humans. There was a day I was playing with my dog, and I was listening to a solemn song, more like a lullaby, and I played this sound system very close to my dog and was playing this song at a low sound rate. I immediately placed this sound close to it, bent its head, and was relaxed while I was dating it. But I noticed something, which is that immediately after I moved this music away, it woke up, and definitely something was missing. Then I knew music truly has a way of penetrating our lives.


Just like when they say that when you are happy, you listen to music, and when you are sad, you listen to the lyrics. Both of them are actually on their own paths, which makes their work separate and different. All in all, music is wider and has a wide range of abilities to do a lot.

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