


This song inpires me so much to still believe that there is still possibilities of long lasting love. My parent's love has defied the odd of divorce and remain strong through the years.

I have witness there love for the past 23 years that i have been their child.

In most African homes it hard to see couples that displays love for their children to emulate. It's common to see husbands that beats and bully their wives, wives that disrespects their husbands, Fathers that are not responsible for their children, they do not support the wife in providing and raising their kids. You see husbands that abandoned their wives in the hospital after giving birth, running away from the responsibility of paying the hospital bill.

I heard a story of a man that abandoned the wife in the hospital when he heard the news that his wife gave birth to triplets, to return three weeks later after the bill has been settled.

There are husbands that goes out every day and come back drunk, end up beating up their wives and kids.

I see men their wives are scared of, they bully their wives, to the extent that the woman is always scared any time the husband is around. They can't even make any meaningful conversations on how to run their homes or even play together as husband and wife.

There are cases that a man murdered his wife while beating her or a woman murdered her husband with poison


Source: pexels

The main victims in this kind of marriage are the children. What is there to emulate when their parent fight and argue in their presence.

Some grew up without love. They grew up becoming even worse than what their parents was in their presence.

They lack knowledge of love, and can't differenciate between love and disrespect. They see what happens in their homes as being normal.

The worst of it all is the influence of this kids to kids from a different backgrounds. They become bullies in school.

Girls from this homes start looking for love where there none.

Kids from Parents that couldn't provide or be responsible for them , ends up catering for themselves at early age, through various means like stealing, prostitution, cultism etc

I will forever be grateful for the kind of parents i have. Their love story inspires me alot to wish for a patner that will love me like my father did


I Grew Up in an African Home with limited formal Educated parents. My father is a highly skilled Carpenter and my Mother a trained seamstress. They both are from the Eastern part of Nigeria.

My parents met each other in the city of Onitsha, where my father had just completed his carpentry apprenticeship, he left his village( Umuaba) to settle in Onitsha, with the help of his Step brother who was already established. He he rented a Two-bedroom flat and set up a small carpentry shop in front of his apartment.

My father loved telling us the story of how he fell in love with my mother at first sight. He'd repeat it so often that even my younger brother, who was still learning to speak, could recite it by heart. In fact, my father would use the story as a bedtime tale to put my brother to sleep.

According to my father, he met my mother on a Saturday evening at her madam's tailoring shop, where she was still an apprentice. He had gone there to get his torn trousers mended, which he wanted to wear the next day. He handed the trousers over to my mother's madam, but she and her apprentice was too busy to mend them immediately. She told him to leave the trousers and come back on Monday to collect them.

My father's face fell when he was told he'd have to wait until Monday to get his torn trousers mended. He had been looking forward to wearing them to an occasion the next day. Disappointed, he took the trousers back and turned to leave. But my mother, noticing his disappointment, quickly came up with an excuse to follow him. She caught up with him and asked for the trousers, promising to mend them after work. My father, touched by her kindness, handed them over.

In that moment, he knew he had found someone special. Their love journey began then and there. They courted for six months, and my father eventually performed all the necessary marital rites and took her home as his wife.

I was born two years after my parents' marriage, followed by two brothers. My parents raised us with immense love, providing for our needs despite their limited resources. I learned the true meaning of love from them. They loved and supported each other unconditionally, and I aspire to have a similar relationship with my future partner.

Source: pexels

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