Cold wave and dance - La onda fría y el baile

Once upon a time there was a girl who had a dog, a bicycle and also danced. She wasn't a professional, no, she liked to watch the dancers on TV and be inspired to do her own moves.

She also wanted to do it with her coffee cup in her hand, imitating the graceful girls, and she would spill coffee all over herself, poor thing. She was a little clumsy, or absent-minded, maybe.

She had a tough job, and I loved this because women - contrary to what many people may think - we can do everything we set our minds to, what's this about saying that this can only be done by girls and the other by boys...?

The bicycle was her means of transportation to get around the city and she was always in a hurry.

But let's see that she also had a very particular haircut. This may be the link... no, no, no, maybe not. It is. Although much of what I have pointed out in reference to that girl, too.

With these few elements maybe I can start spinning the story, my story, to participate in this challenge that doesn't expire and is about finding a childhood photo that brings you a musical memory. If you're up for it, here's the post with all the relevant information.

Español - My native language

Había una vez una chica que tenía un perro, una bicicleta y también bailaba, No era una profesional, no, a ella le gustaba mirar a las bailarinas en el televisor y se inspiraba para realizar sus propios movimientos.

También quería hacerlo con su taza de café en la mano, imitando a las gráciles muchachas, y se derramaba el café encima, pobrecilla. Era un poco torpe, o entretenida, quizás.

Tenía un trabajo rudo, y esto me encantaba porque las mujeres -contrario a lo que quizás mucha gente cree- podemos hacer todo lo que nos propongamos, ¿qué es eso de decir que esto solo lo pueden hacer las chicas y lo otro los chicos...?

La bicicleta era su medio de transporte para andar por la ciudad y se le veía siempre apurada.

Pero veamos que lucía además un corte de pelo muy particular. Este quizás sea el vínculo... no, no, no, quizás, no. Lo es. Aunque mucho de lo que he señalado en referencia a esa muchacha, también.

Con estos pocos elementos quizás ya puedo comenzar a hilar la historia, mi historia, para participar en este reto que no caduca y se trata de encontrar una foto de la infancia que te traiga un recuerdo musical. Si te animas, aquí tienes el post con todas las indicaciones pertinentes.

Find your old photo albums - you will need them! 


The picture

Wait a minute. Let's remember first, because -believe me- when I see this image I laugh out loud and my heart also warms up.

It turns out that my grandmother Tita used to take my sister and me to have our picture taken at a studio every year. With her meager savings, which she managed to get from her retirement money, which was quite little, she always had to juggle, not only to leave this photographic record, but also to give us gifts. I have to say that I was her favorite and also the one who lived with her, so therefore, the most benefited. One day I even received a bedroom set, with a nice piece of furniture that had two drawers, four compartments each, a mirror, and in the center a smaller drawer and a little bench. God, how that must have cost.

But let's get back to the picture.

My sister and I always laughed a lot with this picture. It occurred to me that we had to take Yeti, my dog, who was so heavy, and had serious personality problems, to the portrait thingy.

My grandmother screamed to the heavens. In the end she agreed, because she was so good to me, she wanted to give me all the pleasure. She also did things ... very horrible, I have to say, 😂 like taking me to the hairdresser to get a cold wave. She had a fixation with me, she said I should be presumida (worrying about looking good and always being impeccably dressed, groomed, etc.) or looking that look of hair because mine is straight, and little. That's why she gave me that mirror and the piece of furniture (😏). That "you have to be presumida" was one of her expressions. It's just that I've always been characterized by my somewhat rough attitudes, I liked the "supposed" boys' games, I didn't care much about the clothes I wore, for me it was just clothes and that's it.

Well. We took Yeti, or not, he took us. He dragged us to the photo studio. And there, controlling him was not easy. We wanted to laugh in the picture, but he had us tired. Oh, the picture. Look at it here.

Español - My native language

Espera un poco. Vamos a recordar primero, porque -créeme- cuando yo veo esta imagen me sale una gran carcajada y también se me pone calentito el corazón.

Resulta que mi abuela Tita tenía por costumbre llevarnos a mi hermana y a mí a retratarnos a un estudio cada año. Con sus magros ahorros, que lograba del dinero de su jubilación, que era bastante poco, siempre hacía malabares, no solo para dejar esta constancia fotográfica, sino también para hacernos regalos. Tengo que decir que yo era su consentida y también la que vivía con ella, así que por tanto, la más beneficiada. Un día recibí hasta un juego de cuarto, con un lindo mueble que tenía dos gaveteros, de cuatro compartimentos cada uno, un espejo, y en el centro una gavetica más pequeña y un banquito. Dios, cómo debió costar aquello.

Pero volvamos a la foto.

Mi hermana y yo nos reímos mucho siempre con esta foto. Es que se me ocurrió que teníamos que llevar a Yeti, mi perro, que era tan pesado, y tenía serios problemas de personalidad, a lo de la cosita del retrato.

Mi abuela puso el grito en el cielo. Al final accedió, porque ella era tan buena conmigo, que quería darme todos los gustos. También hacía cosas... muy horrorosas, tengo que decirlo, 😂 como llevarme a la peluquería para que me hicieran una onda fría. Ella tenía parece una fijación con que yo fuera presumida o luciera ese look porque mi pelo es lacio, y poquito. Por eso me habrá regalado aquel espejo y el mueble (😏). Eso de "tienes que ser presumida" era una expresión suya. Es que siempre me caractericé por mis actitudes un poco toscas, me gustaban los "supuestos" juegos de varones, me importaba poco la ropa que me ponía, para mí era solo ropa y ya.

Bien. Llevamos a Yeti, o no, él a nosotras. Nos arrastraba hacia el estudio fotográfico. Y allí, controlarlo no fue fácil. Queríamos reír en la foto, pero nos tenía cansadas. Ah, la foto. Mírala aquí.


My sister (@anixaeva) was also missing the students in the front (the teeth 😁), poor thing. That's why she squeezed her mouth as if she had eaten a marañón.

But Yeti is the main character in this photo! And this photographer, it seems that he was also altered. Didn't he realize that my face is not seen?

The dog had hair as if he had also made the cold wave.

Let's go to the beginning. Let's think about that girl in the story. There I'm talking about a song, a video clip, a movie. This photo always reminds me of that particular theme. And it's not that I had something to do with the dance ... it's the cold wave, my characteristics, stubborn as I am, rebel without a cause, passionate, crude, absent-minded, firm in the conviction that I can achieve everything I set out to do and a little sentimental too.

The lyrics of that song are this:

First, when there's nothing
But a slow glowing dream
That your fear seems to hide
Deep inside your mind
All alone, I have cried
Silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel
Made of stone
Well, I hear the music
Close my eyes, feel the rhythm
Wrap around, take a hold of my heart
What a feeling
Being's believin'
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life
Take your passion
And make it happen
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
Now I hear the music
Close my eyes, I am rhythm
In a flash, it takes hold of my heart
What a feeling
Being's believin'
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life
Take your passion
And make it happen
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
What a feeling
What a feeling (I am music now)
Being's believin' (I am rhythm now)
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
What a feeling (I can really have it all)
What a feeling (pictures come alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)
Have it all (pictures come alive when I call)
(Call, call, call, call)
I can have it all (being's believin')
Being's believin' (take your passion)
Make it happen
(What a feeling)
What a feeling

(--> source)

And here is the official video.

Now in addition to laughing, I'm dancing and excited. I don't know how to dance, but I love to see people dance and sometimes I get excited with some movements, which I usually call body expression. Nothing of rhythm, but I have fun.

Español - My native language

También a mi hermana le faltaban los alumnos de los puestos de alante (los dientes 😁), pobrecilla. Por eso apretaba la boca como si hubiése comido marañón.

¡Pero Yeti es el personaje principal en esta foto! Y este fotógrafo, parece que también estaba alterado. ¿No se dio cuenta que mi cara no se ve?

El perro tenía el pelo como si también se hubiera hecho la onda fría.

Vayamos al principio. Pensemos en aquella muchacha del cuento. Ahí estoy hablando de una canción, de un video clip, de una película. Esta foto siempre me recuerda ese tema en particular. Y no es que yo tuviera algo que ver con el baile... es la onda fría, mis características, empecinada como soy, rebelde sin causa, apasionada, tosca, despistada, firme en la convicción de que puedo lograr todo lo que me proponga y un poco sentimental también.

La letra de esa canción es esta:

First, when there's nothing
But a slow glowing dream
That your fear seems to hide
Deep inside your mind
All alone, I have cried
Silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel
Made of stone
Well, I hear the music
Close my eyes, feel the rhythm
Wrap around, take a hold of my heart
What a feeling
Being's believin'
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life
Take your passion
And make it happen
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
Now I hear the music
Close my eyes, I am rhythm
In a flash, it takes hold of my heart
What a feeling
Being's believin'
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life
Take your passion
And make it happen
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
What a feeling
What a feeling (I am music now)
Being's believin' (I am rhythm now)
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
What a feeling (I can really have it all)
What a feeling (pictures come alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)
Have it all (pictures come alive when I call)
(Call, call, call, call)
I can have it all (being's believin')
Being's believin' (take your passion)
Make it happen
(What a feeling)
What a feeling

(--> source)

Y aquí está el video oficial. Ahora además de reír, estoy bailando y emocionada. No es que sepa bailar, pero me encanta ver a las personas bailar y a veces me animo con algunos pasillos, que suelo llamar expresión corporal. Nada de ritmo, pero me divierto.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

My mother sent me these photos, they are part of our family archive. For the cover picture I gave her precise instructions, 😆, by phone.
Now she says that I bother her a lot and that she will bring everything here on Saturday. I'll treat myself to this stuff.

Mi madre me envió estas fotos, forman parte de nuestro archivo familiar. Para la foto de portada le di instrucciones precisas, 😆 por teléfono.

Ahora dice que la molesto mucho y que me traerá todo para acá el sábado. Me daré gusto con este material.

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Vote la-colmena for witness
By @ylich

Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx, unless otherwise noted.

My Social Media Icons by Icons8.

All rights reserved ©, 2023.

Contenido original (texto y fotos), por @nanixxx, a menos que se indique lo contrario.

Íconos de mis Redes Sociales by Icons8.

Todos los derechos reservados ©, 2023.





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