A conspiracy between a sleepy mind, a statue, a book and the future!


Ladies and gentlemen, I have some great news to share with you today!! The Dreaming Buddha statue from the hotel where I had my gig this morning helped me to discover some really exciting facts about our future (and the future of our platform 😍). The revelation came to me while I was taking a little break from my playing as I was so sleepy. Yes, as you hear, I was sleepy while playing the piano. The music I was playing started to come back to my ears like from a distance, my consciousness wanted to hand over leadership to the subconscious, and return me to the world of dreams. {Admittedly, I wouldn't want to go back there today, not in the same dream, because remembering it now... it wasn't a dream that gave me some nice feelings.}

To clear my mind (and wake it up) I strolled a bit around the bookshelves in the hall and went in the direction that Mister Dreaming Buddha showed me with his head. One of the books I came across had the title Too Like the Lightning. The description stated that it was a narrative of events of the year 2454.

I would not be intrigued if it would be the narrative from 1454, but 2454? Are we there yet?
Checking the date - hmm, no, we are still in 2022, a bit more than 4 centuries still have to pass until we arrive at that year. But luckily, this book is written! We can know our possible future right now! ;D


Just turn to the back cover of the book and you can immediately get the revelation. It's so funny, I didn't know that learning the secrets from the future can be this easy! (be sleepy, follow the equally sleepy statue and find the book of this great revelation.)
I was reading the blurb...

Humanity has engineered a hard-won golden age, blah blah blah... Seven factions or Hives have co-governed the world for three centuries, blah blah...



That is excellent! (didn't I tell you in my first sentence?) Wonderful news to be shared!!

HIVE (and seems more hives) will still exist in 2454!!

I am not sure if we would be still around in those years, it's difficult to know right now, but that is promising that HIVE will be still a thing!! Maybe our descendants will read our writings and hopefully have a good laugh at this post 😂. Funny or not, I shall also say you that people could choose to join different Hives or stay Hiveless. There were some funny-named factions, like Mitshubishi Hive, Utopian or Masonic Hive...

But I don't know anything else about the happenings as I guess I should read the whole book (well, my pause doesn't last that long that I could read it in the hotel). It would be perfect if a movie based on the book existed, watch it at home and know more about the things from 2545. However, seems we don't have such a film but based on the photo from the cover of the book I can imagine it would have a great soundtrack. Dramatic and powerful, that would accompany the story. A soundtrack like John Willimas or Hans Zimmer would write maybe.

There are so many movies with settings beyond the date they had been released. I am sure you all know and (or) have watched The Terminator, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, The Matrix, many of the StarTrack movies, Passengers, Blade Runner, Interstellar and others. We can list many movies where fiction created the future and the soundtrack supported the story and woke up emotions. For sure, a good soundtrack has to do it, wake up emotions, create an inseparable unit with the movie and make the watching experience unforgettable. Attractive to watch it over and over again. It is the case also with Interstellar I listed above, I watched it so many times and just a few weeks ago I did it again. I left the work I was supposed to do and watched the movie :))
I could not refuse to listen to this music, experiencing the set and scenes once again. And there is always at least one (surely more than one) tear that appears in the corner of my eyes.

How would be the movie and the soundtrack based on this book I saw today? Would it be as good as I imagined? It's an enigma, but what is not a secret anymore is that Hives will exist in 2454 (according to Ada Palmer, the writer of this book.)

Neither it is a secret that I had to go back and continue my piano playing event for the time left from my gig and stop imagining things from the future and corresponding soundtracks 😁


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