Frank and more

Last Saturday afternoon, we went to a somewhat unusual and informal concert.

We would be attending the inauguration of an exhibition of posters made by a friend of ours, which he made for each of the songs that make up the CD "MÁS" by Cuban troubadour Frank Delgado.


The singer would perform for a small invited audience, something very intimate. His charisma and great ability to tell stories makes his relationship with the guests become almost familiar and one can enjoy the anecdotes behind each song, told by the author himself. Those concerts are the best.

His inexhaustible imagination and narrative resources reflect reality with a delicate sarcasm in his compositions. Love, nostalgia, social and political criticism, but above all his great sense of humor, are in all his work.

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I had not enjoyed his live performance since my college days. His presence was frequent in any space at the university. With his guitar and sometimes accompanied by a harmonica, he would give small concerts surrounded by students
surrounded by students who hummed his songs in unison.

This Saturday evening had the flavor of youth, of times gone by that were very good.

The place, to our surprise, was very cozy. Surrounded by nature and art, we gathered on a side terrace and enjoyed all the songs on the album and many others. The stories that inspired them and a lot of anecdotes that the artist told for us.




We sang, laughed and even tears ran down some faces 😉. For more than three hours we shared the music and stories of this amazing artist. At more than 6 decades of life, he still has that young spirit that transmits and infects through his art, that connects us with our reality, with our losses, with failures, with memories of beautiful times. I went back to my university years, sitting on the floor of any corner of the university...thanks to the power of music.


All rights reserved on the text and images, which are of my authorship unless otherwise indicated. I use DeepL for translation because my English is very bad 🤭.

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