No to troubles


The world is going through a lot of friction, and it aches my heart every time I read about it. It is easier to destroy than to build.

Last week, I was inspired by a song by Lucky Dube titled "Respect" to write an article on the importance of respect in maintaining interpersonal relationships. I made mention of the fact that love alone can't keep the world in order. It must be accompanied by respect.

Today I would like to talk about how easier it is to sponsor troubles than to sponsor peace or prosperity for the people, and why we don't need any more trouble.

Many years ago, there was a misunderstanding between the communities where I lived and a neighboring community. The irreconcilable misunderstanding led to a crisis.

A few weeks before the crisis broke out, I discussed the unemployment rate in the community with a friend. I observed that many graduates were roaming the streets without jobs.

"If the rich among us can prioritize the empowerment of the upcoming generations, unemployment will reduce drastically," I told my friend.

I observed that most of the rich people and even the political leaders showed no concern for solving the unemployment problems. I was shocked to realize that when the crisis between the two communities broke out, it was the rich and influential people that came together to provide huge amounts of money to buy weapons to prosecute the crisis. The youths were brainwashed to see the fight as a fight for their future because they were defending their ancestral land. Many youths were killed, while others were injured. Some are still with the unforgettable scar today.

The rich and powerful got money for war but not for development.

On a larger scale, similar problems are being faced by people globally. Many questions run through my mind while reflecting on this ugly trend. Why can't we collectively denounce trouble? Why can't we be more positive about life? Why can't we find it easier to spend on building humanity than on the destruction of humanity?

This reminds me of a song by Bob Marley titled "No More Trouble." The song admonishes everyone to shun trouble. The world is better off when we speak and act with love.

My community, which fought the neighboring community for years, is living in regret today. Many people whose houses were destroyed couldn't rebuild them after the crisis was over. Anytime I walk past any of the destroyed properties, which are now covered with grass, I feel like weeping. The people were in trouble because of a lack of love.

When we detest trouble and embrace love, it becomes easier for us to assist one another. It makes it easier for the strong to help the weak, like Bob Marley said in the lyrics.

"If you're walking down from above,

Help the weak if you are strong now."

We need to speak of love and happiness.

No More Trouble

We don't need any more trouble. There is war and trouble in many parts of the world today because we tend to sponsor trouble more than love. It's only love that can guide and protect us. The world is in dire need of love.

Only love can provide solutions to the numerous problems mitigating the world. Children are suffering. Youths are unemployed, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. People are unleashing weapons of mass destruction on one another. Things are not just working the way they are supposed to. Only the spirit of love can guide us as a people to address the challenges. Troubles would divide us and widen the gap between us.

We don't need any more trouble. Let's talk about love, love, love, and love.

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