Bold step to love


Let me start by sharing an experience of mine...

There was this lady, very beautiful with melanin-dripping skin, not tall, not short, mesomorphic, with the perfect endowment I’ve been imagining my future wife to have. I was crushing on her from afar but finding it hard to talk to her. You can't blame me; I wasn't man enough then—okay, change that—I wasn't "boy enough" because I was just a boy back then. Okay, I was actually a guy already but still rated on the level of boys because I wasn't into the things that guys do. In a nutshell, I wasn't spoiled; I was well-cultured in a Christian way.

I wanted this girl. I had imagined a lot of lovey-dovey scenes with her, but the boldness to approach her—at least to get her number so we could start chatting—just wasn't there. I can't count how many times she made me lose control while doing my ushering work in church. Thank God that all my thoughts weren't channeled to the "bad side." If they had been, I wouldn't have been able to hold myself if my trouser zip got pushed up while standing in the midst of a crowd as a result of my brain imagining nonsense with her. Lol.

Miraculously, it happened: I got her WhatsApp number. Want to ask how I got it? No way I'm telling you that. But just know that I didn’t steal it. Yeah, I did a survey, and I got it.

Guess what? When we started talking and bonding very well, this girl blew my mind with, “Do you know that I've been wanting to talk to you ever since, but you kept distancing yourself from me?”

OMG! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that from her. So, the person I've been wanting to be friends with had been wanting the same thing all along, and I didn’t know. I regretted not making the move earlier.

That’s life for us!

Now, check out this song by African China and Faze titled “If You Love Somebody.”

I'm sure Nigerians reading this know about this song and how it tells people—guys, in particular—to go and approach the lady they like and not shy away because there's a possibility of the lady liking the guy too. But because it’s in our culture for a guy to approach first, the lady can’t make a move.

This kind of thing used to happen to me a lot back then. I was typically affected by what we call “slow mouth,” where I found it hard to approach a lady out of fear of rejection.

But now, things have changed. I can boldly walk up to any lady and woo her, even if the person is Assistant Mary (religiously) or Beyoncé.
Two things are involved: it's either I get turned down or accepted, but come on, I'm handsome, and I can't be easily turned down 😂.

Now, I'm feeling like I should use this opportunity to shoot my shot, but I don't know which one to shoot because there are many fishes in the river, but most of them have security guards around them with Oraimo cords to whip.

Okay, I think I found one.
@deraaa how about Netflix without the 'chill'? You're interested?

Thanks for reading.

Video from YouTube


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