The Healing Power of Music: How Melodies Soothe Anxiety

Have you ever felt relieved after listening to a piece of music? Or has a piece of music changed your mood before? If yes, then that was how I felt on Sunday during the church service. After hearing the sad news about my friend's dad’s death, I got lost in thought; worrying about how my friend would cope with the situation while still being a student.


The relationship I have with him is not mere friendship, we’ve stuck together to the point that I am part of his family – his parents know my family and vice versa. Sharing this news in the house destabilized my parents and siblings but getting to church the next day, the story changed. I discovered that aside from reading books, music is a therapeutic tool used for emotional healing. The significant role of music played in my soul was a responsive healing that is irreplaceable.


The compelling force music has in connecting the soul of the listener to the rhythm of the sound is a science to be studied. Scientifically, you can agree with me that music triggers some hormones which could possibly help in reducing stress, anxiety, etc.


During the praise session on Sunday, the higher percentage of people in my church are youths so it was a vibrant and active moment all through the session. One of the songs that the singers raised was "what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear…" The song met me at the right state of my mind as it ended with the phrase "... take it to the Lord in prayers." I danced as one who had no worries about yesterday because talking to my creator in prayer sorted my peace of mind.


The music made a clearer sense to me because I could flow along with the lyrics and the instrumentalists did a great job connecting me to the spirit of gyration. While dancing, I noticed my mum joined me, this gave me joy because she was relieved of high blood pressure as a result of overthinking.

Though in the world of music there are various genres; these genres play a significant role in relieving the listener from stress. However, people have a unique genre that relieves them from pain, so it's best if one knows his suitable genre.

On the other hand, some people feel relief when listening to the sound of nature; surprisingly, the sounds of nature contribute to the upbeat of music employed in instruments.

As I got to know that music is a therapeutic tool, I'll be selective in listening to certain songs so that it won't poison my mind and belief.


In music therapy, activities such as playing instruments, singing, or composing music, meets the therapeutic needs. These activities not only provide an emotional outlet but also enhance cognitive functioning, improve motor skills, and foster social interaction.


The relationship between music and anxiety caused me to fight depression and embrace positivity with ease.
By integrating music into our daily lives, we can create its healing power to build emotional well-being.

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