To Those Who Have To Leave Home

Have you ever had to leave home against the wishes of those that matter most to you in the whole world, not that you ever wanted to go against their wishes but you know that for you to progress it is just something that has to be done.

And so I did, on one fateful morning, Mom had requested I accompany her to the closest market in the town next to our village.

Unknown to Mom, I had my handbag packed with a few clothes and personal items that could last me for some days.

After our market activities, it was time for us to return. I told Mom I wasn't going home with her.

I was done with that village. I told her as calmly as I could.

I was 18, done with my secondary school education, and did not know how I could proceed to the next page of my life if I had remained in that village.

My mom understood, so she supported me to do what was right but, my dad never let me out of our home since I was little.

He never let me travel for any holiday, I knew he was always only trying to protect me but I knew if I should remain in that village like that I might not be able to secure for myself an admission to further my higher education.

It was a long story, if I'm to tell it all here I'm afraid I might just end up getting you bored, to cut it short, I left and got my first ever photo lab job in the next town where one of my elder sisters was staying.

That same year, I secured admission into one of the country's state polytechnics.

At first, my dad was angry with me and then with my mom for supporting my decision but in the end, he was very proud of me. Why not? I had a plan, and I made sure my plans worked out.

Sometimes when I look back, I'm so happy I took that bold step In moving on from the village.

The experience taught me to always think for ourselves, and do what we know is right, never let anything or anyone hold us back. After all, in the end, our destiny is in our hands and no one else.

These days, when I think about how the whole thing plays out, a song that seems to capture that part of my life always plays in my mind. And when I get a chance I always enjoy its melody.

It is Pray for Me by Dare, a Nigerian gospel singer.

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It tells the story of a young man who had to leave home against the wishes of his father, but at the end of a tough time, heaven opened doors of blessings for him when the father forgave him for leaving and blessed him through prayer.

The video song is very relatable to people who had to make the tough decision of leaving home for a better life.

So I'm dedicating this to my brother who recently made a big decision against my advice, but somehow he convinced my parents and got their support. Whenever I think about it I just hope that he is right, I pray that his plans work out for him and that the universe works in his favor.

And to everyone out there far away from home, and working towards a better life, I hope that your dreams come true.

This is a song I listen to whenever I think of some childhood memories, when I miss my parents, and when I think of anyone out there who was just like me some years back. Let us keep on believing in ourselves, and working toward a greater future.

Thank you for visiting my blog🥰🙏

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