Whitney Houston: The Voice


Today's prompt on #marchinleo has to do with music, concerts, and artists.
We all have that one artist that we love almost all of what they sing, for me that artist is Whitney Elizabeth Houston, she is one of the most talented singers of all time.

Whitney Houston is one singer who made her mark in the music industry, and even if she's gone, her music is evergreen when you hear it, permit me to say she’s a living legend.
In the good old days, she was known as the voice due to her incredible singing. The number of times her songs topped the charts across the world cannot be quantified, she was a legend of her time.

Whitney Houston was born on August 9th, 1963 in New Jersey, to Emily Cissy and John Russell Houston. Whitney Houston was always known for her melodious singing which is safe to say she got from her mom, as her mom was also a singer. To learn more about this incredible singer, you can look it up here


One of my favorite songs by Whitney is 'Greatest Love of All', which was released in March 1986, it is her third biggest hit after ' I Will Always Love you and 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody'

The greatest love of all inspires people from all works of life, admonishing them to pursue their dreams and aspirations without fear or timidity but to pursue them with confidence and strong will, while also bringing to the attention of the listeners that they are capable of achieving greatness if they desire and pursue it.

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way

Children are indeed the future, and as such we should treat them that way, teach whatever you would want the future to be like, if you want a well behaved future, teach them, if you want a confident future teach them, the songwriter is emphasizing on the need to teach the children well in other to have a great future.

This song talks about love and self-acceptance, which resonates with the various listeners, men, women, and children alike.

It urges us to accept ourselves, our flaws and strength, confidence and also the confidence within them, and not entertain self-doubt or double-mindedness.

I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me

The greatest love one can ever experience is that of self-love, and before you can experience that type of love, you have to embark on a journey of self-discovery, this is well expressed in the lyrics of this song.

The songwriter speaks about inner strength and resilience as a way to conquer challenges as we encounter them, the song admonishes us to believe in ourselves and be willing to defy any odd that comes our way in ou pursuit of greatness, as only we can look after ourselves in the end.

This is my entry to the #marchinleo monthly prompt, to find more details about it you can check it in this post

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