Choose Your Fights Wisely.

Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky from Pexels

A couple of days ago, I received a friend request on one of my social media from someone who I had history with back in high school which afterwards we became enemies. I was surprised when I saw his friend request, actually I was mortified. I couldn't believe my eyes because apart from the friend request, he sent a message to my dm and asked me to forgive him for what he put me through back then.

To cut the long story short, I accepted his friend request and we made up. We are not enemies anymore and we decided to build a new friendship from scratch. So far, I have discovered that he had grown up and became accountable for his choices in life because he is actually doing well in life presently.

When we made up, he apologized for how he always bullied me in school and encouraged his friends to also do the same to me.

Back then, he was the cool boy and everyone loved to flock around him. So he always gets away with bullying and other bad things. One day, I got fed up with his bullying and we got into a bad fight. I let my anger control me that day, and I dislocated one of his arms. I was punished for the act even though he was at fault. Afterwards, we became enemies till we graduated, went to the same university and thank God for faculties and department, it made it easier for me.

I also apologized for the injury I inflicted on him and he said jokingly that he will never piss me off again.

I talk about this incident because, for many years he bullied me and every single time I wouldn't react instead I would turn the other cheek for him. Most people who knew what he was doing to me then always called me a fool, or a coward for not fighting back. Even my parents said I was weak for not standing up to him. I wasn't a coward, I wasn't weak, I walked away from trouble which brings me to introduce you to this song "Coward Of The County” by Kenny Rogers.

This song is not just a song but is a story told in the form of a song. It is country / western music. It always reminds me of this incident. Also, this song makes one reflect and self evaluate.

’Coward Of The Country’ is a song that tells the story of a boy named Tommy, whose father ended up dead in a prison when he was just ten years old. Tommy's father's last request to him was to ask his son to stay out of trouble if can and turn the other cheek instead of fighting to be a man.

Tommy heeds to his father's advice. He was called the Coward of the County for that. Unfortunately, one day, his wife was assaulted by three men. When he discovered what happened, he forgot about his father's advice and fought as he got his revenge swiftly.

So you see, Tommy was never weak, nor was he a coward as people mocked him. Tommy picked his battles and fights wisely. He stands up for the truth and injustice which is worth it. You can't always keep pushing a bull to the wall, you will be decked at one point in time.

We all have limits, while some don't. You toy with them and you get in trouble. But the question is, are you quick to anger? Are you erratic? Do you choose your battles and fights wisely? Some fights or battles are not worth your attention. You can avoid a lot of chaos if you choose your battles and control your anger wisely. For doing this, you're not weak, nor will you be a coward.

I hope this post and song resonates with you deeply as you read.

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