Nuthouse!? Can I get your services, please? - my Story just a click away

Yesterday evening was one of those evenings I spend most of my time behind my not-so-large but powerful laptop {not sure why I wrote that thing about my laptop}. Working on several projects in and outside our crypto universe. It ate the entire evening. Suddenly (must have been just before midnight or something) I wanted to rest. Couch nearby, too hyped to fully rest, I flicked on the TV. Zapped for some time up and down the gazillion channels my service provider allows me to select from, and finally decided to try and watch (and listen) to a music program.

The annual 'Prinsengracht' concert was running. An event I visited many many years ago. An event that is held in the open space, more or less around the corner where I live. This year I totally forgot about it, as I forget about it almost every year. However, I vaguely remember someone mentioning this concert last weekend when I was njoying mucho chill time on a little boat {oops, I need to say 'yacht', the owner doesn't like it when I call his boat a boat; will let you decide for yourself in some future post}.

Back to music, the Prinsengracht concert.

Forty years ago, the first edition was held. Always in the open air. Always at the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. For those who don't know, Amsterdam is in the Netherlands. And the Prinsengracht is a canal in the middle of Amsterdam. The concert location: Google Maps. It is in the canal in front of the Pulitzer Hotel in the middle of the map. Yes, correct. The concert is held in the canal. Well, to be more exact, it is on top of the canal. They build a stage on the water. Don't ask me how, I never check that. Boats with attendees around the stage. Others in chairs on the sides of the canal. Peeps standing up a bit further down the same sides of the canals. Peeps in their homes with their windows open and possibly wine and beer in hand (saw a few with wine in their hands, I missed the ones with beer). All (hopefully) enjoying the performances. As usual, one main act and a few side acts.

It turned out I started watching one of the side acts. An elderly lady playing the piano. The second part of her performance, the number 8 on the playlist (this one). Somewhere around 2:15 minute or 2:30. Damn, that part is full on! Within less than a minute I thought: "I'll not make it till the end of this piece of music, how will I make it the next hour or so?" Yes, I was hyped when switching on the TV, so this should go along with that? Then I told myself out loud: "Edje, maybe you don't like this piece, but this concert is usually something you watch and njoy!" You know, talking to yourself out loud may have more impact than doing this in silence. The reason I did just that. The result: I kept on watching.

And I tell you: That was a perfect decision!

this is a playlist, click the source link to play it completely: source youtube

But before I come to the 'perfect decision' part, this piano lady has something very funny to tell (in English second part of the video). In summary, this lady played at this same concert, forty years ago. Interesting! She was telling the story of back then. Her gig. The piano fell from the crane when preparing the stage. It fell on a Volvo, one of the most sturdy cars in the world, a car that has the reputation of never breaking down and never being destroyed in whatever accident. Well, the piano destroyed a Volvo, whilst the piano survived with just the key cover missing. Subsequently, she played her gig with that same piano. Pretty funny, don't you think? Though funny, and laughing a little (again out loud) I wasn't convinced I was able to handle another hour of music of such heavy kind in my current state of mind: still hyped.

...and then...

What turned out to be the main act: Nicolas and Friends. Mucho strings of different kinds (I love strings!). Bass/Cello or something. Violins. Some guitar extraordinaire. Could very well be a guitar from outer European origin. Not sure, and not the time and place to research this one. Since the music. The enjoyment.

The music did three things to me: 1) took my hype feeling in no time, totally calmed me down 2) brought a smile to my face 3) gave me happy feelings in head and body, including some goosebumps here and there. Mostly because of the somewhat unusual style of playing (you have to watch the whole track 9, you'll understand) with such an enormous passion by the lead guy Nicolas, and the violin player to the left. I simply got the 'I want to hear this and watch this, no matter what'-feeling! In no time, the whole show was finished. WTF? So quickly? Time went by like hours in minutes. On a good note: When that happens, we know we njoyed something very very much!

Not all the pieces played by this act I liked. The one that sounds like country style, isn't something I really like. But I can tell you, the passion of these performers, the sounds of the strings and the at times alternative methods of playing, were more than enough to enjoy all performed pieces.

Are those ingredients enough for you to go through the whole playlist with all your eyes and ears?

The last piece is one that every Prinsengracht concert is closed with. Not in this interpretation, but it is a tradition that this Dutch piece of music ends every concert held on top of the water of this Prinsengracht canal. The lyrics tell the story about the peeps of Amsterdam and how nice it is to be with and at the canals of Amsterdam and all that. Not a lyrics guy as you may know already, so I never concentrate on that.

In case you like, I'll search for the whole text, translate it to English and either add it to this post or comment section. Just tell me, and I'll get less lazy 😇

Like the almost broken piano in the first edition, something went wrong with an instrument in this edition as well. Did you detect it? When yes, bring it on down below! I can only inform you: It's pretty obvious when watching the screen. This guy who had to deal with the missing instrument went on playing in an alternative way, such that I can only be amazed. An 'almost' flawless recovery. Though am wondering how the piece would end, when the said instrument survived. It added something bringing the piece to its climax. Was this instrument indeed one that had to increase the climax levels? Or would this additional sound have stopped before anyways? They, the main act, know. I'm left without that knowledge. But I don't mind. As a matter of fact, I like a little mystery. Maybe someday I'll remember this concert again, this specific detail. Maybe I re-read this post. Maybe then I'll find the answer. Or maybe not {LOLOLOLOL}.

NJOY to the MAX

a HIVE original

all media by edje unless stated otherwise


Just before publishing this post, I opened one of my apartment windows. Music. Played from an approaching boat. I immediately heard the last track of the playlist playing, mixed with the sounds of the diesel engine and breaking water. And then it turned out to be a totally different song. Strange how our mind works! When full of something, we hear what we want to hear, which may not be the reality at all. Doesn't this happen to you as well at times? Maybe not, maybe it is just me. Nuthouse!? Can I get your services, please?

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