Fighting our distractions or forefeiting our visions

Life is all about our dreams and visions. Without them we're just empty beings walking on the surface of the Earth with no purpose... we're just another random being adding no value to this already overpopulated planet.

I've got a vision for my life what about you? Are you just swimming in the ecstasy of each passing day? Or are you planning ahead and working towards it? Sometimes reflecting on important aspects of our lives such as this, is really paramount as it draws our minds away from the temporary euphoria that seems to have knocked us out of our normal reasoning.

I reflected on my visions in life when I came across a song I heard while steaming music videos on YouTube. It was by a Nigerian artist "Qinq Madi" the title was "Vision"

I'm not a fan of Nigerian songs but I do find few exceptionally interesting and "Vision" happened to be amongst them. The song talks about the artist, Madi, who has visions for her future but along the line, gets distracted by a guy who she eventually falls in love with.

For most of us, love might not be the reasons for our distractions... or maybe I'm wrong, who knows?

From my little voyage in this large city called "Earth," I've discovered that we are the major impediment to realizing our visions in life. Some people might say: It's football, it's money, It's this and that, but no! Its just us!

The word self discipline didn't spring up from nowhere. It's something, or rather, an attribute one must possess in this fleeting hours we've got left. I actually recall some of my addictions and I fully remember how I escaped from their grip. I took that bold step to detach myself from those things that slowed me down. It wasn't an easy one, I fought within myself to escape the grip of addictions and distractions, and damn! It wasn't easy.

A reformed and disciplined mind is a mind designed for progress and magnificent wonders. You know the interesting part of life?

You can't have it all! You have to let go of Some things to have something.

sacrifices are made to achieve that one thing we desire. Sacrificing a little bit of fun and pleasure wouldn't be a bad idea for years of success. It sounds easier saying this but in reality it isn't that easy.

I really don't know but I've learnt to make sacrifices, it's something medical school taught me — thwarting your innermost pleasures to study hard and save lives. No one wants to be a quack doctor, and to achieve that, we need to cut down on some pleasures of our's and shift our focus towards our books. "The price for success is not an easy one" they say.

I'm somewhat glad I came across this beautiful piece by Qinq Madi. A piece that made me reminisce about my fast spent impulsive Life. Perhaps we need that reminder to set us back on track, and if there's one thing that spurs us to reminisce and reflect on our lives, it's music!

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