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Inferiority complex

There's a thin line between inferiority complex and humility
How does a person know that he don't mistake his inferiority complex for humility
A humble person knows his worth, he knows his capacity/capability, he knows he is one of a kind. A humble person chooses to bring himself down ignoring whatever status he holds, ignoring whatever talent he has, ignoring how smart/intelligent he is and decides to learn. A humble person knowing his worth will put whatever knowledge he gains from bringing himself down to learn into good use
But someone with inferiority complex doesn't know his worth. As far as he's concerned every other person is better than he is, he talks down on himself whenever he gets the chance to. And he needs someone to tell him that he is good enough before he actually believes he's good at something. Yes, someone with inferiority complex might learn but he won't be able to put that knowledge to good use because he constantly doubts he is going to deliver. He remains at a spot or a safe/comfortable zone without, making attempts to leave that zone, because he's scared he's not good enough. Inferiority complex makes him a coward. That's how bad it is. Don't talk down on yourself and then call it humility. And don't let your previous short comings make you feel like a failure. Because you're not!!!
You are unique in your own way

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Pet 2:9
This is God telling you how special you are
If God sees you this way, then you need to start seeing yourself this same way.
Leave that your comfort zone and start doing those things you've always wanted to do. Don't let fear stop you
Don't let side talks get to you
Don't let inferiority complex blind your eyes to seeing how amazing you are
Because you are amazing
Let's make the best out of this month

Happy new month lovelies ❤️snapchat_1943322175.jpg

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