Their Love Life And My Songs.

I’ve always wished for a very beautiful family. Truly, I have a very amazing family which I come from but I know that with time, I’d get married and will have to create my family as well.
Marriage, motherhood and peaceful life comes first on my list whenever I’m wishing or hoping for something so when I see someone who has all the things I’ve always wished for like marriage, kids and a good life, I sometimes envy them but wish them the very best because I’d love it if someone wishes me the best too when I have all what I want.

This afternoon, a man came to my workplace to register his child’s birth certificate. The feeling was actually a very good one because we know some men who don’t even care about that but all they do is give some money to the wife so she can sort everything that needs to be sorted in the house without interfering in any other thing.
While I was getting the files ready to make the registration for the child, a beautiful young woman walked in and at first, I thought it was a different client until she sat with him and that’s who I met his wife.

He collected his baby from his wife’s hand and began to sing for the child and did all he could so that he wouldn’t shout or cry at the office. I saw how he was doing that and I really fell in love with it. With the look of things, I could tell that things are really going well with his household. It was so good that all I have ever wanted was right in front of me and at that moment, I could imagine what my life will look like when I get married.
I also treated them nicely because they have what I want.

When the left, I was the only one in the office and no other client to attend to and my eyes were kinda teary because I really can’t wait to get married. To go with that feeling, I decided to listen to songs and this time, I didn’t just listen to it but flow with the lyrics very well.

Whitney Houston ~ I Will Always Love You

I opened my music application and searched for this song under a minute. I was even imagining if it could be played on my wedding day. I kept singing along until I realized that I was screaming so I changed the song.

Taylor Swift ~ Love Story

At this time, my eyes weren’t teary again because I knew I’d surely find love again even though these teo songs took me back to when my exes broke my heart.
Taylor swift did well with this song.

Michael Jackson ~ Invincible

Since I haven’t found my future husband yet, I assumed he was invincible until I find him and that’s the basic reason why I listened to this song.

Love is beautiful and it feels good to always wake up with that feeling everyday.
I’d definitely find love!

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