My momma put them in good use

Every Sunday is for service and i try to look a little bit good with things i can find in my wardrobe, they might not be expensive but I will make them look clean and good.

So a friend meet me after meeting and said "this your cloth is really beautiful where did you make it", i told her the cloth is seven to eight years old, i made it during one regional convention.

"What do you mean?" She was surprised.
"Yes of course I had it all this years" I replied.

She was like "how did you manage to keep a cloth for such a long period of time?" I smiled at her

I told her i even have some clothes that are ten years old, the funny aspect is that i don't put on weight and I don't reduce, i even keep wondering if i get older at all, hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah but i think i do get older because i now have some wrinkles on my face.

She was so curious to know how i managed to keep this cloth for a very long time like that, so i explained to her why that was possible.

Two reason made it possible, one reason is because i have many clothes so i don't repeat them frequently, secondly is how i was trained.

"I don't understand, how were you trained?" She asked!

When i was growing up, life wasn't rosy, life was very difficult to the extent that my parents never afforded new clothes for us, we always had coat of many colors lol.

People gifted us some old clothes, then my mom was a tailor, so she will now use hand needle and thread to make those gifted old clothes look good and also our sizes.

After doing the needed amendment she will wash them thoroughly and iron them, those old clothes will look so new that even the one who gifted us will find it difficult to recognize those clothes.

While telling the story I became teary because I was taking back to where am coming from, I remembered the promise i made to myself then, I promised myself that i would fill up my house with clothes anyday I start making money.

I remember one convention that someone gifted us old dresses then after amending them we wore them to the convention, the children if the person that gifted us came mocking us that we're putting clothes that they had thrown away, it was so annoying, my and my siblings felt so bad, but just few minutes later another set of children approached us and said "We like your dress they look beautiful, who made it" we were surprised and happy once more.

Me and my siblings kept praying for our parents to become better and buy us new clothes, it took a very long time before that happened.

Years after we are now older and things are better but we will always wash and maintain our clothes, even after years they still look new.

So my friend now said "How come the material have not been phased out"

I smiled again, and I replied "My mom thought me how to manage what you have, my mom thought us not to buy materials that are reigning because they will quickly be phased out and you find ot difficult to continue wearing them"*

So i go for things that others might not really like or just a few might like it.

My friend said "I will come over and pick some of your clothes 😜" , "No problem" I replied.

I came back home and started reflecting on how life was then, that brought to my mind my best track of Dolly Parton those days, let's go enjoy Coat of many colors from Dolly Parton

Back through the years
I go wonderin' once again
Back to the seasons of my youth
I recall a box of rags that someone gave us
And how my momma put the rags to use
There were rags of many colors
But every piece was small
And I didn't have a coat
And it was way down in the fall
Momma sewed the rags together
Sewin' every piece with love
She made my coat of many colors
That I was so proud of source

This lyrics re just so touching, yes this is an old song but the lyrics are not old at all, it worth listening to over and over again.

I listened to it as I go through my wardrobe and see that i now have many clothes and they are no more coats of many colors.

Images are mine.

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