Song of the caged bird.


You are not talented and not good enough. Not exactly as it was said, but it was the same conclusion given to her performance at the American Gots Talent.

Words surely are powerful, but only we can determine the power it will have on us. So, someone called you a fool, and you decided to act like one or even live like one. Or may they say you'll never make it and you believe, got drunk and waste your years till suicide came.

But not with Lindsey Stirling. When that word was said to her, I bet she must have felt sad, but that never stopped the fire that ignited in her heart. The fire to not be caged in a locked room like a bird who has lost all hope to see the light. But the fire of a wounded Lion who has a jungle to protect.

She didn't let someone's statement rule her life, and that alone is inspiring. Instead, she created a masterpiece, and she owned it and flexed it. Her story inspires, and that inspiration can be seen in her music. The way she carries herself and holds on her violin in great styles is unknown to men until she unveils it.

I got to know her from a very close friend who shared her story and one of her music with me. With no words, she played beautifully, showing great masterpiece of what her musical instrument can do. There's so much passion to the sound heard that can't be explained, and I can't help but feel that she did need that statement said to her.

Though it hurts, but not anymore because she made a story worth telling out of it. A story that people can learn from to remind them who is truly living their life. Either they are living life for people to see or for themselves…or living based on people's opinion about them.

Truth be told, I spent I don't know if it was an hour or two listening and watching her as she played her violin on #YouTube before I was interrupted. There was just so much to see. A lot of musical display accompanied with dance and they were all amazing. I wanted to bring all her album here to share as they all had this uniqueness about them and filled with inspiration.

In the end, I had to pick four of her songs, though I know they are not enough, especially for today. Yeah, I'll tell you why today is special, but before that, let's meet Lindsey.

Lindsey Stirling is an American violinist, songwriter, and ballet dancer. Her music inspires those who have gotten to listen in and comments on her YouTube videos is one way to go.

She was born on September 21st, 1986, in Santa Ana, California, U.S. which makes today a special day for her and yeah for me as well getting to listen to several masterpieces today.

Till the light goes out; Lindsey Stirling.

Eyes of the untold her; Lindsey Stirling.

Song of the caged bird; Lindsey Stirling.

Take Flight; Lindsey Stirling.

Image generated through AI and videos from #YouTube

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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