Minimal acceptable lifestyle and Recap of Last weeks activity. Thanks everyone!

First, let me say thank you to everyone who helped out with last weeks prompt "who should we delegate to". I got lots of good responses and great ideas on who to delegate to as we go forward in the community. I'll be writing more on that in a few days when I update the GLD token for the month and outline purchases and delegations going forward. However that will be a different post.


This weeks thank you and payouts

To the following people:


I appreciate the time you took to write complete articles for the community.

To the following people:


Thanks for contributing to the community through your comments on the post prompt. I got some valuable leads and information from your comments! Appreciate it a lot.

As a Thank You everyone will be sent 100 GLD tokens.

for @supernova004

Sorry you didn't join in but you are always welcome to add thoughts whenever you like :)

Next post prompt?

You are welcome to add to the topic about delegating to others and giving me a heads up on projects you think the community should delegate to. In addition if you know any good witnesses we should vote for (here's looking at you @gwajnberg) or curation trails we should follow let me know!

The NEW topic for this week (and going forward) is dedicated to @emreal who mentioned we should add a creative writing portion to the group. In that spirit the topic is this:

What would a good yet minimal day look like for you? Forget the lavish lifestyle. Forget the extravagent luxuries. How would a good yet simple lifestyle be?

I'd love to get your ideas. It can be a story if you are creative. A post on setting the bar to "minimum acceptable". Even plain old comments to this post will be gladly accepted.

Thanks in advance everyone!

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