Eres niña / You are a girl

Eres niña, tú, que persigues nubes,
pies ligeros que descubren el silencio
entre el 8 y el 9,
sonrisas de hoy que anhelabas ayer.

Risueña y tímida
que rompe moldes
y escribe suspiros.

Eres niña, tú,
cuyos silencios son palabras,
mirada nunca esquiva,
gracia divina,
de amores declarados.

Niña de perfume angelical,
inspiración y excusa
para poder mirar el sol,
para correr al mar,
y allí dibujarte.

You are a girl

You are a child, you who chase clouds,
light feet that discover the silence
between the 8 and the 9,
smiles of today that you longed for yesterday.

Laughing and shy
who breaks the mold
and writes sighs.

You are a girl, you,
whose silences are words,
a gaze never elusive,
divine grace,
of declared loves.

Girl of angelic perfume,
inspiration and excuse
to be able to look at the sun,
to run to the sea,
and there to draw you.


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