Ya no era mi mejor amigo/He was no longer my best friend

Hola mi gente linda!! Hoy les traigo una historia muy interesante.

Hello my beautiful people!
Today I bring you a very interesting story.

Esto paso por mi vereda hace muchos años atrás.

This happened on my sidewalk many years ago.

Un día cuando yo estaba regresando del liceo me encontré con unas amigas frente a mi casa,las cuales me comentaron que mi mejor amigo había desaparecido de una manera extraña,yo obviamente me preocupe y me asuste.

One day when I was coming back from school I met some friends in front of my house, who told me that my best friend had disappeared in a strange way, I was obviously worried and scared.

Fui a su casa y su mama la Señora Laura me dijo que no sabia nada,que estaba asustada porque el no se escapaba de la casa y además el nunca me presentó una novia u otra persona con la que confiara mucho,siempre pedía permiso para salir de la casa. Su mamá me enseño una carta que dejó en la casa, la cual decía estas palabras "No se que sucede,se que tengo mucho miedo,pero él dice que no debo tenerlo".. ella pensaba que era una carta de suicidio pero no se despedía de nadie,yo también lo creí,pero sinceramente me preocupé porque...a quien le estaba escribiendo?.

I went to his house and his mother, Mrs. Laura, told me that she didn't know anything, that she was scared because he never left the house and besides he never introduced me to a girlfriend or any other person that he trusted a lot, he always asked for permission to leave the house.
His mother showed me a letter that he left in the house, which said these words "I don't know what's going on, I know I'm very scared, but he says I shouldn't be"...she thought it was a suicide letter but he didn't say goodbye to anyone, I believed it too, but I was honestly worried because...who was he writing to...?

Al otro día la señora Laura me llama en la mañana y me dice que Manuel estaba durmiendo en su cuarto,como si nada, yo inmediatamente salgo para su casa porque quedaba a unas seis de la mía y cuando llego,me quedo a esperar con ella a ver si Manuel se despertaba temprano y preguntarle que hizo el día anterior.

The next day Mrs. Laura called me in the morning and told me that Manuel was sleeping in his room, as if nothing had happened, I immediately left for her house because it was about six minutes away from mine and when I arrived, I stayed to wait with her to see if Manuel woke up early and to ask him what he had done the day before.


Eran como las dos de la tarde cuando el se despierta y les juro que cuando lo vi me dio escalofríos horrible,porque no parecía mi amigo,su actitud cambio completamente conmigo y con su mamá,ya no hablaba, y hasta nos respondía agresivamente. Justo a las siete de la noche le dijo a su mamá que se iba para casa de un amigo porque estaba en un "club",yo me despedí de la señora Laura y me fui a la casa porque tenia que llegar temprano.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up and I swear that when I saw him I got horrible chills, because he didn't seem like my friend, his attitude changed completely with me and his mother, he no longer spoke, and even responded aggressively to us. Just at seven o'clock at night he told his mother that he was going to a friend's house because he was in a "club", I said goodbye to Mrs. Laura and went home because I had to get home early.

Al día siguiente yo vuelvo a ir a casa de Manuel a visitarlo a ver si estaba mejor,y la señora Laura me dice que estaba en su cuarto,su puerta estaba entre abierta y vi que el estaba viendo al techo y hablaba con algo mientras se hacia marcas extrañas en la piel,yo inmediatamente me alarme y llame a su mamá y cuando vio eso se podrán imaginar como estaba.

The next day I went back to Manuel's house to visit him to see if he was better, and Mrs. Laura told me that he was in his room, his door was open and I saw that he was looking at the ceiling and talking to something while he was making strange marks on his skin, I was immediately alarmed and called his mother and when she saw that you can imagine how he was.


Su mamá trataba de hablar con el,hizo el intento de llevarlo al psicólogo porque lo primero que pensamos es que le estaba pasando algo,pero el era mayor de edad y ella no lo iba a sacar a la fuerza de la casa porque no sabia como actuaria.

His mother tried to talk to him, she tried to take him to a psychologist because the first thing we thought was that something was wrong with him, but he was of age and she was not going to take him out of the house by force because she didn't know how he would act.

Pasaron los días y seguía actuando de forma agresiva y se iba a ese club tan extraño que tenia,cuando llegué a mi casa mi mamá me comenta que hablo con una amiga que era chaman y le dio algunas respuestas a lo que le estaba pasando a Manuel,así que le dijo que puede ser que este asistiendo a una secta porque se ve sospechoso ese "club".

Days went by and he was still acting aggressively and going to that strange club he had. When I got home my mom told me that she talked to a friend who was a shaman and she gave her some answers to what was happening to Manuel, so she told her that he might be attending a cult because that "club" looks suspicious.

Hable con la chamana y le relate todo con lujo de detalles tuve confianza en ella y en todo lo que me decía. Me dijo que algo estaba pasando en su casa y que veía presencias oscuras,tenia actitudes muy extrañas lo que me hacían ver que Manuel ya no era el mismo. Sentía que ya no era mi mejor amigo y me puse a llorar porque no sabia si el tenia otro "tipo de amistades" que le estuvieran incitando a hacer ese tipos de actos.

I talked to the shaman and told her everything in detail.
I had confidence in her and in everything she told me. She told me that something was happening in her house and that she was seeing dark presences, she had very strange attitudes which made me see that Manuel was no longer the same.
I felt that he was no longer my best friend and I started to cry because I didn't know if he had other "friends" that were inciting him to do these types of acts.

Fui de vista nuevamente a su casa y su mama manifestó que la fetidez no le permitió entrar al cuarto, y se preguntaba como el podía dormir con tan semejante olor. Yo me acerque al cuarto y el hedor era insoportable,así que yo decidí entrar y había muchas moscas revoloteando bajo la cama.. tome una respiración profunda y cuando me asome vi que había un gallina muerta encima de un pentagrama,... fue lo peor que pude ver en mi vida y ademas no lo creí capaz de hacer eso tan asqueroso y horrible. No toque nada y salí del cuarto y le dije a la señora Laura que me iba a casa porque me sentía muy mal en ese momento.

I went to his house again and his mother said that the stench did not allow him to enter the room, and she wondered how he could sleep with such a smell. I approached the room and the stench was unbearable, so I decided to go in and there were many flies hovering under the bed... I took a deep breath and when I looked out I saw that there was a dead chicken on top of a pentagram,.... It was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life and I didn't think it was capable of doing such a disgusting and horrible thing. I didn't touch anything and I left the room and told Mrs. Laura that I was going home because I felt very bad at that moment.

El y yo no nos hablábamos para nada,su mama me decía que todavía estaba actuando de esa manera tan morbosa y ella se la pasaba llorando porque no sabia que mas hacer,me comentó que llamo al papa de Manuel para ver si podía venir a buscarlo y que se alejara un poco de todo esto.

He and I were not talking at all, his mother told me that he was still acting in such a morbid way and she kept crying because she didn't know what else to do, she told me that she called Manuel's father to see if he could come and pick him up and get away from all this.

La señora Laura me llamo un día,todavía recuerdo la fecha 15 de julio del 2016,´para notificarme que Manuel se había ido con su papa,y ella finiquitaría algunos tramites para irse también. Hasta el día de hoy esa casa es una casa enferma,cuando se muda alguien,empiezan los gritos,las peleas y el aspecto de la casa es demacrado,sigo en contacto con la señora Laura,y hace un año me entere que Manuel se fue del país pero seguía con las mismas actitudes.


Mrs. Laura called me one day, I still remember the date July 15, 2016, to notify me that Manuel had left with his father, and she would finish some paperwork to leave too.

To this day that house is a sick house,when someone moves in,the shouting starts,the fights and the appearance of the house is emaciated,I am still in contact with Mrs. Laura,and a year ago I found out that Manuel left the country but he continued with the same attitudes.***

Es lamentable,ver como mi mejor amigo ya no estaba allí, y mas doloroso fue como algo extraño se apodero de su esencia ..era ver a otra persona en su cuerpo. Me atraen mucho estos temas tabú y religiosos y decidí adentrarme al mundo espiritual y leer y formarme con respecto a este tema..

It is unfortunate to see how my best friend was no longer there, and more painful was how something strange took over his essence...it was to see another person in his body.
I am very attracted to these taboo and religious topics and I decided to enter the spiritual world and read and educate myself on this subject....

Hasta ahora no tengo noticias de Manuel.

So far I have not heard from Manuel.

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