Expect Less Love More


Psalm 131:2
2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

Being demanding and expecting things our way has been normalized today. Even goals need to be done in your own perfect little way.

This is my question, do you expect the world to be yours, or do you want Jesus to give the world to you?

Sorry, but this is WRONG.

Have you still desired a place from this world? If so, I did too, and this verse open up my eyes that maybe I was still too attached from the concerns of this world. Even to my parents I had expected too much. After internalizing this verse I realized that my worldly expectations are fueled by an unweaned heart mostly from my mother. This may sound childish but I used to expect too much from my mother and get very sad if I can't get them. I prayed after that, that the Lord will wean my soul from my parents as I follow this verse and to completely be dependent on our Lord Jesus Christ.

It changed my views from within, seeing the world now differently and from a newer perspective. To be dependent on the Lord rather than men. Now, my role to take good care of my parents and not my parents taking care of me.

We are called to serve others and expect nothing in return for our reward is in heaven, not on earth. I did cite my parents because we once or some of us might not be in the same house with our parents but we might still needed their affection even as an adult. We need to wean our hearts too from people and stop expecting from them, to start serving them as the Lord Jesus did. To be mentally present for them and be attentive to their needs by loving our neighbors as ourself without a heavy heart this time.

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