Day 29 - What makes me feel better? [ENG-ESP]

Created in Adobe Illustrator


30 days blog challenge
29 - What makes me feel better?

Well, as my whole world revolves around desserts... neeh lie, with a good liter of vodka there is nothing that can't be solved. Okok this is serious ok, concentrate Amelia (for those who don't know it's my real name).

Actually, i don't have anyone to lie to, the truth is that with a good ice cream, with any sweet or simply with Nutella, this can always make me fell better any day. Also if i have a busy day a beer is not bad for anyone... Also, it always encourages me to dance, paint, walk in a park, watch movies or series, go out to party, meet with some friends, go shopping (this is not recommended when you're rebounding).

Something that works everytime, is to take a good bath with hot water, to get rid of the day. A good time of yoga and meditation to make the pain in my back that i always have disappear and free my mind.

Good music makes me happy, although i don't know why when you're rebounding you get even MORE depressed, can you explain that to me? In fact, that's my question for today Why do people in depression listen to even more depressing songs? I left you a depressing song for you to think about: Let her go - Passenger.

Well that's it for now, thanks for joining me in this little tripod ecorner, i hope to see you soon... and remember, "good vibes always".

30 días desafío para blog
29 - What makes me feel better?

Bueno, como todo mi mundo gira alrededor de los dulces... neeh mentira, con un buen litro de vodka no hay nada que no se pueda resolver. Okok esto es serio ok, concéntrate Amelia (para los que no saben es mi nombre real).

Realmente no tengo a quien mentirle, la verdad es que con un buen helado, con cualquier dulce o simplemente con Nutella se me alegra cualquier día. También, si tengo un día bien ajetreado, una cervecita no le hace mal a nadie... Me anima mucho siempre bailar, pintar, caminar en un parque, ver películas o series, salir de fiesta, reunirme con amigos, ir de shopping (esto no lo recomiendo cuando esas despechado).

Algo que me funciona mucho es tomar un buen baño con agua caliente, para sacarme el día de encima. Un buen momento de yoga y meditación para que se me esfume el dolor de espalda que siempre tengo y me libere la mente.

Buena música me alegra, aunque no se por qué cuando uno está despechado le da con escuchar música MAS depresiva todavía ¿Me puedes explicar eso? Es más, esa es mi pregunta para hoy ¿Por qué la gente en depresión escucha canciones más depresivas todavía?. Te dejo una canción depresiva para que lo pienses.

Y nada, esto es todo por ahora, gracias por acompañarme en este rinconcito con tripode, espero verte pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.


This is my entry for the 30 Day Blog Challenge, iniciated by @cwow2, and recommended by my friend @starstrings01, if you want to participate just take the following image and start writing your posts with the tag #bloggingchallenge. And if you want to join our Discord community.

Also have some great writers joining the cause @suffgrace @macchiata @wolfofnostreet @officialuroga @jizzyjoe @rollinshive @cosmictriage @buttonn @suzn.poudel @martinstomisin @saulos @guillez12 @yousafharoonkhan @anaout97 @lecumberre @rickardoh and @beckie96830 always glad to support each other in this wonderful challenge! Can´t wait to see the next days to come.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Day Blog Challenge, iniciado por @cwow2, y recomendado por mi amigo @starstrings01, si quieres participar solo toma la siguiente imagen y empieza a escribir tus posts con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge. Y si quieres únete a nuestra comunidad de Discord.

También tenemos algunos grandes escritores que se unen a la causa @lauramica @janettyanez @jizzyjoe @kattycrochet @manuelramos @wesp05 @jesymarcano92 @lorennys @daysiselena @giocondina @truelovemom @wrsd54 @roadstories @fmbs25 @mariolbi @tormenta @elcorrecamino @mariela53 y @josehany siempre encantados de apoyarse mutuamente en este maravilloso desafío! No puedo esperar a ver los próximos días.

Edited with Adobe Photoshop, original here.


Past links of the challenge:

Day 01: My blog name
Day 02: 20 facts about me
Day 03: My favorite quote
Day 04: Dream job
Day 05: Proudest moment
Day 06: What am i afraid of
Day 07: My favorite songs
Day 08: 5 Current goals
Day 09: Best trip
Day 10: Ten favorite foods
Day 11: Childhood book
Day 12: Healthy habits
Day 13: 5 years from now
Day 14: Thoughts of education
Day 15: My favorite movie
Day 16: What makes me happy?
Day 17: What makes me sad?
Day 18: If i win the lottery
Day 19: A confession
Day 20: Earliest childhood memory
Day 21: Guilty pleasure
Day 22: Traits i´m proud of
Day 23: Piercing / tatto´s
Day 24: First Hollywood crush.
Day 25: My spirit animal
Day 26: Pet peeves
Day 27: Difficult time to learn
Day 28: Bucket list


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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.

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