Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 19

Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 19

Today is Monday and 29th of July I thought to share my photography with everyone today by participating in photography contest 19
All these photographs are of my village. It is a shrine where different animals come to eat grass ie to satisfy their hunger

In the first photograph you can see the goats eating grass from the ground. The grass is not so much because it is hot season and rains have not started yet. As soon as the rain comes, the number of weeds will increase


In the second photograph you can see cows eating grass in the pasture. There is very little grass but still they are satisfying their hunger

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You can see in this photograph that the cows and buffaloes are eating grass together in the pasture


Most of the people in the village care for the animals because their occupation is rearing and selling their milk.


You can see in this picture that the owner of these goats and cows is with them in the altar


Most of the land in our village is not cultivated in summer season, one of the reasons is lack of water, so animals rule here in summer.



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