Alphabet Hunt Challenge - Letter E

The new round has started for hunting the words starting with letter E.

This is the challenge Alphabethunt, created by wonderful @barbara-orenya.



Elephant - Eyepiece - Eclipse - Eyes - Euro - Expectation
These are the words I will present today.



One of the most exciting visits during my holiday in Thailand was the one in the Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary. You may be know there are places where these majestic animals are abused and treated very badly, sometimes cruelly in order to make tourists happy by letting them ride the elephants. The sanctuaries like the one I visited, rescued the abused animals. There we feed the animals, we walk with them, we do not ride them and help them to have mud bath. The last was such fun, if you don't mind to get dirty. 😀 And because I was aware that this will be not quite convenient to carry the camera I used the phone only. My son's girlfriend took a lot with her phone too and there was a local photographer who also was making pictures constantly. All photos made by him were posted on facebook, of course with our consent.

Just to give you a taste of the fun, have a look at those photos of me.

posing with the elephantfeeding the elephantwashing the elephant



This is an eyepiece for telescope. Yes, I like to gaze the stars and I haven't used the telescope for quite some time. But this eyepiece is giving an interesting view of the closed objects, like the flowers and pots behind just holding it and looking through.

One more look from the other side.



Now, having a telescope I used to observe the Moon. I haven't done that for some time but I found in the archive some photos from the blood moon eclipse. It was in July 2018. I was prepared with the telescope ready and the camera and... bugger, something happened with the program on the computer and the camera was not working. I had no idea why, but apart of watching the Moon I could still use the phone camera. However the photos did not turn out as good as I expected, or rather to say they were complete disastar. The image was made with phone camera attched to the eyepiece of the telescope.



The eyes of my cat are very expressive. She does not blink but looks straight in the camera. I have probably zillion photos of Furry and I wondered which one to choose for this submission. Finally I got one that I cropped to focus on the eyes.



Banknotes with the map of Europe. Europe on euro, I did it again, double E. I did not think about it at first. My idea was to make photo of the banknotes, that are official currency of some of the states from the European union.



The sculpture is called Expectation and it is pretty new. Two years ago the sculpture was made and placed in the beginning of the breakwater in my hometown Varna. It represents a boy and a girl watching towards the horizon and waiting the return of the sailors.

And so we come to the end of the post. It was harder this time finding words and photos, presenting letter E. As usual after I started the post, other words came to my mind. 😀

Till next time!


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