Phonography/Phone Photography Contest-19

Hello all, 👋 Again, I'm so happy to have this chance to join in the fun in this week's #phonography contest- 19 being hosted by our good friend @untilwelearn. I will be sharing a few of my captures of the wonderful sky and sunset by the beach one evening.

We had a gathering at one of our friends resort by the beach one evening and the sky caught my attention as always.


It was super hot and sunny at around 5pm but after an hour, it turned colorful. And when it did, I was entranced. I must go to where I can see it better and enjoy this marvelous sunset. 🥰

Just look how beautiful it is... who will not get mesmerized?

But after the show, darkness filled the sky. So long Mr. Sun, I am looking forward to see you set again. For now, go and give sunshine to those still slumbering while I will slumber soon. 😄

Thank you very much for your time and support! 🙏❤ Have a beautiful Friday, take it easy, everyone! Till later...👋

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