The sound of silence is an embodiement of Ratri(Night)(रात्रि) & I dwell in that sound | Phone Photography -14

Ratri(रात्रि)-- I am not talking about that Ratri app to sneak peek into a web series of entertainment. Rather I am taking you to the Ratri(रात्रि ) where you will have your episodes of silence with Nature(a silence of enlightenment). I am talking about the Ratri(रात्रि ) of Nature when it becomes dark & Nature builds the potential of strength.

किसी महान दार्शनिक ने कहा था -- रात, अँधेरा, और अकेलापन शक्ति के उत्स है(Night, darkness, and solitude are sources of strength)

I am talking about the potency of Ratri(रात्रि).

We all have heard and have been made to learn that "सवेरा", the light is the source of energy, well that is scientifically true, I am not contesting it. Rather I am trying to emphasize the underpinning of savera(सवेरा).

रात दिन से अलग नहीं, हम अपने विचरों में उसको अलग मानते है, बस्तुतः वो अलग नही है.(Night is no different from day, we consider it different in our thoughts, in reality it is not different).

रात के बिना दिन संभव नहीं और दिन के बिना रात का अस्तित्व नहीं (Day is not possible without night and night does not exist without day)-- Put simply, both constitute an inelieanable 24 hr-epoch.

I always have had a strong desire to sleep in the open sky since my childhood, so I kept looking for options and opportunities to sleep in the open sky so that when I lay flat on my bed, I could see the twinkle twinkle little stars.

Well, today is cloudy so I can not show you the stars. But I can make you feel Nature(through photographic content and literary work in my narration of Ratri(रात्रि), the sound of silence at night. I think that the sound of silence is that "शक्ति"(strength), जब भी मैं उसेस सुनता है एक गहरी नींद में चला जाता हूँ...ऐसा लगने लगता है केवल उस झिंगुर की आवाज़ सुनाई दे रहा है..यत्र, तत्र, सर्वत्र .....(Whenever I listen to it, I go into a deep seems as if the only sound I can hear is that sound of झिंगुर...that sound is increasingly becoming omnipresent).

यथा पिंडे तथा ब्रम्हान्डे .

उस रात्रि की आवाज़ में कुछ तोह खास बात है जो मुझे गहरी नींद की तरफ ले जाती है, मैं जब भी मेरे आस पास के पेड पौधे को देखता हूँ तोह ऐसा लगता है की सब मौन है, सिर्फ मौन नहीं, मानो वो सब ध्यान में चले गए है, एक झींगुर की आवाज गूंज उठती है और रात्रि जीवंत हो उठती है, एक एक पत्ता, हर एक डाली में एक अजीब सा स्पन्दन के महसूस कराती है.

There is something special in the sound of that night that takes me towards deep sleep, whenever I look at the trees and plants around me, it seems that everything is silent, not just silent as if they are all in meditation. The sound of a cricket echoes and the night comes alive, making one feel a strange vibration in every leaf, every branch.

You can see my Bed, the old-fashioned, mini cooler supported by a chair in front of it so that it could blow wind parallel to the Bed and ward off mosquitoes.

But When I roam in Ratri(रात्रि)(not physically, rather at the subconscious level)-- yes, हमारा सोना भी एक मैडिटेशन हो सकता है अगर आप उस रात्रि की शब्द को ध्यान लगाये तोह.(Our sleep can also be a meditation should you focus on that sound and later become that sound).

The conditioning and the ambiance of the village are conducive from the get-go from the perspective of meditation. But Ratri(रात्रि) and the sound of silence-- an amazing thing goes into prominence in Ratri(रात्रि). Such a threshold is difficult to find in urban areas because of noise pollution.

झीनी झीनी बीनी चदरिया--(कबीर साहिब)

ठीक उसी तरह, रात्रि की हर पल को मैंने जिया उस "Sound of Silence" के साथ और हर प्रहर में, फिर सुबह होती है(Just like that, I lived every moment of the night with that "Sound of Silence" and in every प्रहर, then comes the morning)---and then the crescendo of birds make me wake up to a beautiful morning.

सुबह हो गई है, "Feel Good" ब्लॉग को यही बिराम देते है.(It's morning, that brings to an end of this "Feel Good" blog.)



Detailed InfoDescription
DeviceRedmi 7, Xiomi
Location7R2R+JQ5, Odisha, India


This is my entry to Phonography Contest-14 by @untilwelearn

Thank you.


Original Photography using my Smartphone

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