A birthday with family

Birthday is the most important day of our lives because it is the day where our life started. It is also a day where we look back on the previous days and years of our life and be grateful for what we have.

Yesterday, August 14, I celebrated my 35th birthday. I never expected a celebration with a lot of foods because I don't have a budget for it but my husband made some efforts for us to celebrate it even in simple ways.

Early in the morning I woke up upon hearing the sounds of a guitar outside. My god father serenaded me with some birthday songs, wishes and prayers. I am expecting the team harana (serenading team) to serenade me that morning but unfortunately many weren't able to wake up early, lol.

My husband also gave his wishes and prayers for me but oh no! He forgot my age lol.

I and my son then go to pineapple field and have our morning exercise, walking, jogging and have some picture taking.

It is really good to be with nature especially early in the morning. Enjoying the blessings of being able to look at the wondrous creation of our Creator and be grateful for the cool breeze and fresh air.

After our morning walk and exercise, we went home and was surprised to see fresh flowers, roses to be exact hanged on our door and something in the plastic. When I checked it, it was tablea a chocolate made from cacao.

At first I wondered who gave it but I had an idea that it was my god mother because she always gave us champorado, a rice porridge with chocolate.

In the afternoon she confirmed that she is the one who gave it. I am so grateful for her thoughtfulness. It is simple but the thought matters a lot.

It's almost 8 in the morning when the serenading team came. They came from another member who also had his birthday. They also made a short program for me and gave their wishes and offered a prayer for me too.

In the afternoon, when my husband came from work he said that he will buy some fish to be grilled for our dinner.

When he came home, he said that I will invite his brother and sister to come over for dinner. I also told him that we will invite my brother to be with us too.

Since it is already late afternoon, I really thought that my sister in law and brother in law already cooked their rice, so I told them to bring it and we will have dinner together.

My husband grilled fish, and cooked chicken adobo. I blend soursop. My brother in law and sister in law brought their already cooked rice, my brother brought cake, my husband cousin brought soft drinks and bread. My husband bought roasted chicken for additional food and my birthday was celebrated with family.

It was not a celebration that most people have but the moment, the time, the chit chat, the talks, the laughter, the unity and the time spent is so precious and memorable.

I am so blessed to have them.

Cherish every moment that you have with family.

Thank you so much for reading.

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