Phone Photography Contest #26: Rain or Shine (Flower Photography)

Last week, I actually prepared several shots to share for @untilwelearn's Phone Photography Contest 26.

One hibiscus flower in our garden bloomed beautifully with such a vibrant yellow color, so it really attracted me. The weather was fair and sunny, so it added beauty to the subject.

Here are some of the shots I took of that single flower.

It's the same flower, but I just took photos from different angles and played with the focus option on my phone.

That was last week, but this morning, it was drizzling a little bit as we were having breakfast. My mom told me that there were more hibiscus flowers blooming in the garden.

It got me excited because taking photos in light rain would create a bit of drama. I automatically took my phone and went out to the garden even though it's still drizzling. I had to take some quick shots as I only have a less than 30 minutes before my morning classes start and I'm still to prepare for them. haha

Here are some shots of the hibiscus in the rain...

As I was about to go back inside, I saw such a pretty pink rose and I couldn't resist taking a photo of it.

I showed my shots to my mom and she liked them... then she asked me to take photos of the dancing lady orchids in the front yard, so I headed out again to take a few shots. It was difficult though because it was windy and drizzling, so the flowers kept swaying.

I took the last photo using the macro setting. I just hope I had more time this morning to take photos... but maybe when I'm not in a hurry, I could take better ones. Still, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for checking this post out! See you around!

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