Phone Photography Contest #17: Yellow and Green

As I was browsing through Ecency, I stumbled upon @untilwelearn's post Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 17 and I thought it's a great idea to join.

I like photography, but I could only take photos using my mobile phone, so this contest is quite encouraging. I want to take more photos in the coming days.

When I went to the skate park with my father last time (we went there to just watch since I had some appointment in the area as well), I saw this place with a really beautiful combination of yellow and green. I thought it's so refreshing to see, so I decided to take some shots.

It was quite gloomy that day, so I'm happy that the photo turned out well. I guess, the vividness of green and yellow really popped in these photos. I'll show you another shot from that day, and you'd see the gloomy sky.

I took this as we were entering the skate park. The sky is full of gray clouds, but it didn't really rain that day. Mr. Sun appeared a couple hours later. Also, the photo above was taken in the "beginner's course" for skate boarders. :)

This area is a great place for photography. I hope to share more photos in the coming days.

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