My Kid's First School Day: Phone Photography Contest-24

Hi, there! How are you? I hope that you are having a fantastic day. Welcome to my post.

Today, September 3rd, a new journey began for us. My kid started school. Unlike other kids, we didn't put him in school at a very early age. This year, he is five, and we finally admitted him into a bilingual school: Arabic and English.

Here, school starts quite early. The assembly begins at 7:15 am, then breaks for breakfast, and class starts at 7:45 am. However, for KG 1 & KG 2, the schedule is kind of relaxed. We were told to go at 7:30 am on the first day!

Being a single kid and living away from relatives, he mostly knows two persons: me and my wife. He is quite afraid of meeting other boys and girls. Moreover, language and communication are big issues. Hence, we were worried about how he would cope at school. We tried to uplift his spirit for the last couple of weeks! It was showtime!

We woke him up at 6:15 am. After preparation, we left a little after 7 am. We reached the school in 10 minutes. The students of the higher classes were in the assembly when we reached there. We were told to put him directly in the KG 2 classroom. Skipping the assembly on the first day!

He was quite scared it seemed. We were too! However, he did pretty well during his first school time. He didn't cry. He didn't run to us even though we stayed in the waiting area the whole time. He played in the playground along with other kids. He played in the classroom. However, he did everything alone on the first day. I hope that he will make some friends soon to play with!

His classes ended at around 11:30 am and we returned home. Here are some photographs I captured while we were waiting outside.

A decorated wall beside the waiting area. The door on the left is the door of the classroom of our kid.

At the entrance of the building

The school compound

The assembly area. The furthest is the playground.

A panorama view of the walls in front of the waiting area

Okay. This is all for now. I hope that you enjoyed my post. Let me know in the comment section if you have any suggestions or questions.

Thanking you
All images and videos are mine

This is the entry post in the Phonography Contest number 24 arranged by @untilwelearn. Here is the post link


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