Wise Friends Can Wrap Presents: Together We Are One

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success."
-Henry Ford

A blessed day to each and everyone especially to my dear hivers. How was your day today? I hope you're all doing well. It was 30th in December 2023 full of joy and happiness. Today is another day, a day that I will share with you how our event became a successful one.

December 20, 2023, the Youth President and the President of our Purok planned to have our Party held at our beloved Sitio. To make it real they called everyone for the meeting. Everyone agreed and cooperated with the said plan. They pledge delicious food that they love to cook. And the meeting ended successfully.

December 23, 2023, was the party of our Sitio. One of their plans was to have a disco mix so early in the morning the disco music arrived and they started to set up their tools and started to share their disco music.


In the afternoon, the games that the youth had planned were started. They let and guided the children to play different games and the games were the following.
Some of the photos and some of the games.



While the children and youth were busy doing the games the parents were busy cooking the food that they proudly pledged. Everyone was very busy doing their assigned tasks. Sixth at night they brought the foods that they prepared. After eating we first prayed to thanks for the blessings.


After eating the program started.
Our beautiful host plus our youth president hosted and organized the program very well together with all the youth officers including me. Uhm, for you to know I am the Youth Vice president in our Sitio.

We formally continue our program by giving the people an intermission number or dance presentation by us. Yes, I was included in the intermission number. What made that time funny was that I was late for the dance presentation. I run so fast so that I can join our dance presentation. When I arrived at the dance floor the first music was started. What came into my mind was that I would enter the dance floor in the second music then I did it😆.


After the presentation, the people shouted, and at the same time clapped at us. I saw how they enjoyed watching our dance presentation, and I felt like yes we did it. Even if we were very sweaty and tired then seeing the smiles on their faces made us feel that we danced successfully. And I'm proud of myself too.

Next on the program was the production of the little miss gay in our Sitio. As the four beautiful boys since that night, they will act like a girl😅 they entered the floor gracefully which makes the program more exciting. Everyone in the place was shouting including me(sino ba ang hindi matatawa eh) they never got shy to show up and compete that night.

So, here is the capture or picture of their production number.


The next part of the miss gay program was the swimsuit attire contest. Oh my, this makes everyone still shout out loud because the contestants showcase their very best attire for the swimsuit competition.

Here are some of their swimsuit attire pictures. Just try not to laugh 😂🥰.


The third part of the contest was the talent. In this part, every contestant still showcases their different and hidden talent. The three contestants dance and the other one sings. The boy sings entitled " Awit sa Magulang" which causes everyone to pour some tears in their eyes as they/we realize and feel the song as he sings it. If you can hear that song you can realize something. A something that can melt your heart and mind.


To make it so fast the last program was the question and answer portion. One of the contestants picks the question stating

"If the pansit is for the people to have a long life, why did the doctor not advise them to take it as a medicine?".

At first, I was deeply thinking yeah bakit nga ba? Not until the contestant answered.

Thank you for that wonderful question, I believe that pansit is food, not medicine. Thank you

His answer shocked everyone and that caused him to be the Little Miss Gay 2023 in our Sitio. Although everyone delivered and answered very well his answer attracted and got the attention of everyone in the program.


After everything, the winners were announced and then they had their exchange gift. After all the first program ended and the last program which is the disco program continued.



On behalf of my co-officers as we step forward and grow up we never lose the chance to be the best role model of the children. We fed them with love and never failed to tell them that we had unity not only in our place but in every place that they could meet in the future. In this way, they could learn and feel that unity, love, and care are all we need.



Did you enjoy reading my blog? I hope you did and I hope I brought a positive impact as you've read my blog. Thank you for always reading my blog and on my next blog please keep on tuning in. Keep safe everyone.🥰♥️

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