
A photo of my son, taken five years ago.

Going through this post by @galenkp was an eye-opener for me and it did actually make me feel good, like I could spread my wings and fly across the Skies of creativity, without any inhibitions.

What makes a word, a word?

I haven't got the answers, but I like making up words and to me they have real meaning so that means they're words, in my estimation of it anyway.

One of my words is stragedy which is a combination of the two words strategy and tragedy and it was created to describe the situation of well thought out strategy turning into tragedy later on. Fucken brilliant right?

A word drops in my head as I write, I scratch it intensely to figure out what emotions this compound word truly evokes, and then the search begins, for the meaning of such a word, if any, by looking it up in a dictionary. Severally I have been at crossroads as to the best way to use a word I have created in my creativity, without being misunderstood, but when I couldn't find a meaning in the dictionary, I struck it off as no good, even when it adequately portrays the feelings intended. I have written off many because they didn't seem 'correct' enough.
And yet they did make a lot of sense to me.

Why can't we be free with words, just like the cameraman has the freedom to capture the same image from different angles and perspectives, evoking myriad of interpretations to the same image?

Thanks to @galenkp, I think I can now have the freedom of forming such words thereby enriching and expanding my own lexicon.

"Broaddanger" is a word coined from Broadway and Danger.
This was the word I used and still use to convey the message of caution and wariness to my children, as they navigate through this maze called life, to steer clear from vices and to avoid harm or risk. "The Narrow way leads to heaven and not many pass through this virtuous route but the Broadway leads to hell, an evil route for anything destructive and threatening."

"Lovicule" is a fusion of Love and Molecule because I always view Love as the tiniest particle in each individual which has the ability to build the blocks of very strong inter-human connection and relationship, for a better "You and I", and for a better World.

I often find myself forming words in a spell of creativity, where the essence of the emotions I am feeling needs to be truly conveyed.

You must be wondering about the word "wordscapades". It is "Word" and "Escapade" in a playful adventure, into the sphere of linguistics and communication, through creativity.

Thank you @galenkp for this contest.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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