Season Hunt Challenge - Rain

This is my entry post for the Season Hunt Challenge by @barbara-orenya in the Feel Good Community! This is the fourth week and the theme is Rain! You can learn more about the contest and how to enter HERE!

Welcome To My Dreary Post!

Let's face it! Rain can seem a little dreary sometimes but within that "dreary" there is beauty as well! So, hopefully, you will find some of that beauty in my slightly dreary photos today! Our weather forecast just a few days ago was calling for rain which I was looking forward to as I would be able to capture some newer photos but that completely changed almost overnight. Luckily, we did have some rain just before that and I did get some photos then. So, my photos today will feature a mixture of older and newer photos but they were all taken in Autumn aka Fall!

My first few photos were taken at Cromwell Valley Park in Baltimore County, Maryland. Come to think of it .. all of my photos were taken in the same County! 😉
An awesome thing that I love about Cromwell Valley Park is all of the Milkweed that they've planted for the Monarch butterflies. In Autumn the Milkweed produces a pod filled with seeds and when that pod opens the seeds are attached to a silky fluff or floss which lets the seed travel on the wind. source



While there I also captured the next three photos including the rain sprinkled web of a Funnel Weaver Spider!




I took the next three photos while I was on the NCR Trail at Paper Mill to Ashland Road. This first photo shows part of the trail.


I took the next photo looking over the rail of a small bridge. I was surprised that there wasn't more water below but I was still able to catch a bit of reflection in what was there.


The rain was light at times and at other times it was a misty rain. When looking across this part of the water it had almost an eerie feel but still beautiful!


All of the following photos I took in my yard!


I don't think Mr Cardinal minds a light rain ...


... but he does mind that the rain and winds from the storm that we were having made a mess of his feeders!


The Hosta blooms have gone to seed and the leaves are slowly fading away ...



... as are the Hibiscus plants! I think the Hibiscus seed pods have an alien-like appearance when they open up.



Some little raindrops on the Maple branches!


My last photo feature a colorful wet leaf. I know "Leaves" was the second week theme but it is Fall and the leaves have been doing a lot of just that .. falling! I caught this one though on a rainy day! 😊


Thank you @barbara-orenya for #seasonhunt!!
All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.


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