A Busy And Productive People. #Phone Photography, 19

This is my first entry for the #phonography contest. I have always wanted to make my entry for it but usually being too busy makes me miss out. Thank God, I'm not missing out this time and I won't be missing out again.

I was at the junction of Maraba in Ilorin. This junction is situated along Maraba Road which adjoins the Post office Round-about. The junction connects two streets to the Maraba road. One of the roads is Sabo-Oke while the other is Amilegbe.

I was coming from church and heading towards the Amilegbe area to attend a ceremony of one of my beloved. As I stood beside the junction, I was delighted to see our people so occupied with various activities and business endeavors even on a Sunday. This makes me happy, so I took these pictures with my phone.

Who says that Nigerians are lazy people? We are very hard working. We strive everyday to make ends meet. We engage in various trades in order to cater for our families. You can rightly see that in these pictures.

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