A drop in the ocean

My heart shattered a little more when she told me she is going back Ukraine. Not to the west, not to a safer city or even Kyiv - but to Azov and then to Kharkov. Two of the highly attacked cities. What could I do? I told her she'd still have my support and I will respect her decision.

I think I know what could drive a person to take such a precarious decision - or at least I think I do. She lost her brother, I lost a couple of friends. Everyday we see more and more losses and what not...

From her ride back to Kharkiv

When I was at @krolestwo I told the guys that she could be coming in. She once worked for me when I had the consultancy firm, later we became extremely close friends. Such a talented girl, she was and is. Later when I came to the Netherlands she also wanted to come here too..but before that happened she decided to go back to Ukraine from Poland.

A few months back, KBK (@krolestwo) started working towards sending aid to Kharkov, Ukraine and also providing much needed support to the Ukrainians living in Krakow. I didn't have much to give, so I left a few things I had for KBK to send to Ukraine. Later, I learned KBK had started working alongside "Vulyk" organisation in Kharkiv to provide aid to the city.

The operation has been running consistently due to the efforts from the guys at @krolestwo. I feel sad that I can only contribute a few HIVE every month, but others are joining the efforts, too. I know for a fact that the help is incredible because I spoke to the guy who runs Vulyk personally. Some help was also given to my colleague in Kharkiv. With 100% trust and confidence I keep supporting KBK and Vulyk.

After Lena made it to Kharkiv, she told me she was cold as there isn't heating throughout the day, no hot water, and the electricity comes and goes. She didn't have blankets at her apartment either. Things are crazy expensive in Kharkiv right now. She could never afford it unless she finds a job quickly - but there aren't too many jobs available in the war-torn Kharkiv.

I recommended Vulyk to her and forwarded the owners number to her. 2 days later she send me this.

Looks great!

A warm winter shoe. More things would come in as they become available. I wish I could show her smile. Needless to say, it made me smile, too. Wearing this pair of boots she went out in the snow to grab a few small trees to plant outside her place :)
What made me really happy was that Vulyk later reached out to her that night and offered her a job. She is going to manage their social media. In a span of a few hours not only did she find ways to cope with the winter, but also find a job for sustinence and help more people that way. Feelsgoodman.

Some small drops cause massive ripples, don't they? Where did this drop start? Hard to pin it down, but I want to thank everyone who has supported and helped me help my friend find some consolation during hard times...and now will go along to help others.



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