May Weather Review From My Own Weather Station + Weather Game Round 9

Another spring month has passed and hello summer! Time to see who won the last weather game and how was the weather in May here. You had to guess the lowest air humidity reading that happens during the month. Congratulations @cetb2008, you guessed 20% and it was exactly spot on! 20% air humidity happened on the morning of 21st May. 10 HIVE will be sent to you shortly. Thank you to all the other participants last month @wrestlingdesires( You were very close too ), @littlebee4, @cryptopaddy801. Don't forget to participate in a new one!


Weather Game Round 9

For the new round, you need to guess how many millimeters of rain in total will come down during the month of June. Last month it was only 9.7mm, we had a really dry month. So how much do you think? How much rain will fall in June?

One guess per person
Your answer must be in millimeters(mm) or inches(in).

The closest guess will win 10 Hive at the start of July.

May Weather Review

It was a pleasant month overall with some really good summer weather but temps tend to still get cold sometimes or at night especially. The month of May was also extremely dry, only a little rain fell down and that makes our forests a huge fire hazard. More in-depth down below.

Temperature and Air Humidity

Temps are ranging all over the place. Even got as low as -3.2C on the night of 5th June. The maximum was 22.8C on the 24th of June. The average is quite average for this month at 10.5 degrees C. It wasn't the hottest May we have had, nor was it the coldest.

Humidity is also very varied during the day and night. The very dry air was on the morning of 21st May with only 20% of air humidity, I didn't expect it to go as low as this.


Solar energy and UV

Solar energy used to rise all the previous months but now it seems to be stabilizing and stays quite similar all days. Also is UV radiation. On most days it stays on 6 or 7. Our days are very long now and the nights won't get dark anymore.

Rainfall and Accumulation

As I already said, we did get very little rain this month. You can see only 3 rainfall events during the month, our nature is extremely dry and this is the reason why nature got fully green very late in May this year. The total was only 9.7mm of rainfall, this ranks as the dryest month of the year thus far, I wonder if this will be beaten, I have doubts tho. This is what you need to guess for the month of June, the total rainfall amount.


Wind and Direction

This is always the case in the summer. There is wind in the daytime and in the night the wind partially or fully dies down, and that happens every night I don't know why it happens but it does.
No real storm events or anything this month. The strongest wind gust was only 9.7m/s.
Looks like the majority of the wind comes from the southwest.


Air Pressure

Nothing too noteworthy. Lower pressure at the end of the month while the first half saw more higher pressure. Since we didn't get any storm systems coming over us, the pressure never dropped below 1000Hpa.

So, let's see what happens in June. Hopefully, it behaves like a summer. It's not unheard of that we get a really bad month in terms of cold temperatures and a lot of rainy days. Don't forget to submit your guess for the new weather game!


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