Stampede | When The Desirable Isn't Available

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Never will I imagine stampede ruleset can be this hard to find this week, I was somehow busy, I didn't check the battle mage announcement to see the ruleset chosen for the week and when I later saw it, I started looking for stampede ruleset which I couldn't find on time, This week ruleset is kind of easy to play and a big plus to player that decided to use trample ability because it will be triggered infinitely as long as that particular trample card keep destroying other enemy unit cards. In this kind of game play, people love to make use of Possibilus the Wise because it give trample to all ally cards and also we love using piercing abilities because people tend to use armor based cards in this kind of battle so you won't hit their health immediately but piercing on a strong attacking cards can deal the damage that you need and give you a plus.

In most cases, using top cards with this abilities depend on the kind of mana capped I receive in the battle, I can use top mana card that will be a worst decision in low battle card like the one I have here, had this batter with peresvet and it is really a low mana capped which was 18 and that alone is too small to follow the main rule set, we also had 2 other ruleset combo which was Fire and Regret which give all cards the return fire ability that dealt damage back to any range attackers and Rise of the common which allow only common and rare cards, checking out this criteria and also seeing the available element to use which was fire, earth and death, I had to pick death element just to see the monster cards I will be picking that will really suit this ruleset

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battle link

I had to pick Cursed Windeku which is a healing card with thorn and slow ability, I guess my opponent might come in with some melee cards so this is the best way to counter attack him, I picked shadow snitch next to it the reach and affliction ability incase he use an healing card and lastly I picked Venari Bonesmith. Well I think we had that same thought because he came with almost the same setup and xenith Monk with magic reflect which is against my own venari bonesmith. The battle started well in my favour because in round 1, I afflicted his Xenith thereby preventing it from healing them I destroyed it while he poison my windeku, in round 2, he tried his best but couldn't destroy any of my cards after I destroy his snitch leaving him with just 2 cards against 3, same as round 3 and at round 4, I killed his last man and won the battle fairly.

This mean even if the usual setup you wish to use isn't available, you can easily pick from the available option and still secure your win.


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