Loot Chest Got Nerfed | How Do You Play Wand Out


We are still in the anniversary moment, the splinterverse is one amazing place anyone shouldn't miss out on, we just concluded another season and there was an upgrade to the glint reward shop before then where the loot chest got introduced after the announcement, we all have been focusing on rarity draw and on my end here my plan was to make sure I max my gladiator summoner as quick as possible which are under rare rarity draw and only cost 500 glints for first batch and once in a while I also did the legendary draw which is my next focus and that cost 25k glint (costly), I was out of glint when the loot chest came in and it was really surplus (so we thought) so I had to convert some gold cards just to get some of the chest.

The loot chest was the talk of the day based on the juicy offer we get to meet randomly, we had 3 chest which are the minor, major and ultimate and based on the percentage ratio, we were suppose to randomly see portions, merit, reward cards, energy and the goodies which is the jackpot price. Click here for more information The team where caught offguard with the whole turn up, players almost bought everything met for the whole month and they had to modify and readjust the whole loot chest, unlucky for some of us without glint, we miss the whole juicy offer.

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What I love the most in the whole package is the energy we will be seeing in the loot chest, we all know energy is one vital thing in the whole game, without energy you can't play your battle and there is no external market to get it from unless we buy it from the game which is really high in price based on your level, I will have to pay 3600 glint just to get 1 energy, imagine I need more, that will take tons of glint which I can easily use in the shop section, also the good thing now is that your energy now have value in sps based on the battle you won, some people got tons of energy from the chest which means more reward after playing their battle.

How Do You Play Wand Out Ruleset

Recently, I'm finally loving this particular Wand Out ruleset because it is the magic battle, you get to make use of only magic cards and as a newbie who is yet to get use to the whole battle cards selection, you might be confused on what to make use of in this battle. The major strategy pertaining to this rule is to use anti magic abilities. This particular ruleset is a dominant rule which means you have to consider anti magic abilities before any other things, The anti magic abilities that we have currently are Magic reflect which dealt damage back to any magic cards, Void which reduce magic damages, Phase which may make magic attackers to miss the particular cards with the phase ability and lastly is the Silence ability which reduce all magic attack strength.

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check battle link

Just like the battle above when I had the wand out among other rule sets, I know players will always want to bring in their top magic cards in any element they decided to use and on my part I will either use water element with Bortus with the silence ability as my summoner or I will pick death element with Owster Rotwell with the magic reflect as my summoner, I picked Water here and decided to use my top magic cards, Prismatic energy with the magic reflect and void, Djinn Oshannus with the void, phase and forcefield abilities, Captain Ghost with the affliction and oppress ability and lastly was Riverboat captain with blast and affliction abilities. This 4 are really deadly and they did a perfect job in defeating my opponent. check out the battle with the link above, How do you play your wand out ruleset?


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